Chapter 32

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Taehyung wondered if he should tell Jungkook or not. It would be lie if he said things between Jungkook and him were fine.

Because they weren't.

Taehyung had successfully avoided all of his attempts on asking why he was behaving like this. He didn't like keeping secrets from his husband. But he was scraed that his husband would react badly. He just didn't want that to happen.

This was a sensitive topic to him because it went way back, when his grandma was alive. Taehyung loved his grandma to death. He would go to her with all his worries because he knew she won't judge him. He followed her every advice and she was right every time. He firmly believed the fact that his grandma could never be wrong. He still remembered the last advice he got from her.

"Taehyung, come here." An old lady said to the boy, who leaning against the door frame of her room. He smiled.

"Grandma." He greeted. The old lady, patted the empty space on her bed, gesturing him to sit. Taehyung did, holding her hand, which was slightly shaking due to her old age.

"What's wrong?" His grandma asked, Taehyung's smile dropped and he sighed.

"How do you always figure out if I'm troubled?"

"This old lady has known you your whole life, it would be weird if I couldn't tell that something was wrong with my grandchild." She said, laughing in the end. Taehyung smiled at her.

"Tell me. What's wrong?"

"There's this guy in college. He confessed to me today."

Taehyung's grandma smiled widely, her eyes lighting up.

"Who is he? What did you say?" She asked quickly.

"His name is Park Bogum. He's an acquaintance. We never spoke to each other that much, but today he confessed to me. I rejected him. He looked like he was going to cry, but he ran away before I could say anything." Taehyung looked down.

"Taehyung, always remember, speaking lies create misunderstandings, no matter how bitter you may find it, always speak the truth. It will hurt less people. I'm proud that you rejected him because you didn't hold any feelings for him, that's the right thing. He may be hurt, but you can always be his friend in the end, just don't hurt him or take advantage of his feelings, treat him well." Taehyung's grandma said, slightly squeezing his hand.

Taehyung knew sharing his concerns with his grandma was the best thing he could do. He was always comfortable around her.

"But will I be able to meet someone that has managed to steal your heart? Who will be the beautiful rose among the thorns?"

Taehyung blushed and hid his face in her lap. His grandma chuckled and ran her hands through his hair, making him close his eyes.

"I'm not sure when grandma, but when I meet that person, I'll make sure to bring them to you. When I'll be sure that they are just as deeply in love with me as I am with them, I'll bring them to you." Taehyung said in a determined tone.

"Anyone you love Taehyung, would be the most beautiful person, for only one person is meant for you, and when you meet them, cherish them. Don't let anyone break your bond, stay strong and don't break their heart. "

"I will grandma, I promise." Taehyung promised.

And two days later, his grandma passed, taking his comfort and her amazing advices with her. That day, Taehyung cried like he never had before. And then, he never cried again.

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