Chapter 8

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The heist planning had started already. Jungkook was busy coming up with easier routes for their heist. Hobi was helping him out with time management. Other team members were all practicing shooting and self defence, just in case of danger.

Meanwhile Taehyung could only look at what was taking place. He was worrying about Jungkook, the younger hadn't been eating well the past three days, missing his meals today too. Everyone was busy and he couldn't help but crave his husband's attention. It had been 3 days since he had last touched his husband, and he was dying to touch his husband. Sure there were small touches here and there but he wanted more. Can't believe I am the one who needs attention now.

Looking at his husband, Taehyung could only stare. Jungkook was wearing a man bun and he looked like a Greek god with those veiny, tattoed hands and glasses. Jungkook was a dream, a dream which can only be dreamt by Taehyung and no one else.

He looks so fucking tasty.

Taehyung was no longer questioning his thoughts. He had admitted to himself that he did like his husband. What's there not to like? He's blessed with both brain and beauty. Truly ethereal. But he knew now was not the time for more. They had just started together, an unsaid agreement between both of them to take things slowly and comfortably. Taehyung wasn't complaining, he was in fact really happy with what he got now. He can wait.

Sensing an unwavering gaze on him, Jungkook looked in the direction of his husband. Of course, Taehyung wasn't the only one craving attention. Jungkook was the main attention seeker after all, only when it comes to his husband. He too was missing his husband's presence. Those hands which did things to him he couldn't explain nor express the feeling he got. Not in words at least.

Jungkook knew he needed his husband and his husband needed him too. Both had been exchanging so many touches that now it almost felt as if a part of them was missing. It kinda was missing. Jungkook couldn't take it anymore, but he knew he had to plan a heist. He was excited for a the heist but also wanted his husband.

He looked at the time, it was past dinner, almost the time they head to bed. He had again missed his dinner, just like he did for the past 3 days. He vaguely remembered Taehyung bringing him dinner, he had just shook his head, murmuring a 'Later', then got back to work.

He looked at the work at hand, then at the clock and then at his husband, who was now busy reading some book. Only a few markings then his work would be done. He asked Hobi what he was doing.

"Nothing, just some hacking around the area of the heist, see if there's anything helpful or dangerous."

"You can do it tomorrow Hyung. It's late already, inform others to take rest on your way out."

Hobi replied with thumbs up and was out the door on his way to the training room.

Jungkook got back to work. Only a few touches to this then I'll be with him. Jungkook was about to start when suddenly he was turned around and pushed against the table he was working on.

He looked upwards, only to recognise his husband's eyes, staring right at him. He let out a relieved sigh.

" You scared me you know. "


Taehyung bent down a bit, his hands now on Jungkook's thighs, picking him up and making him sit on the table. Jungkook wrapped his hands around Taehyung's neck. Taehyung nuzzled his face in Jungkook's neck, his breath making the younger shiver. 

"You skipped meals today."

"Just the dinner."

"No, you didn't eat anything after breakfast."

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