Chapter 45

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"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Jungkook grumbled as he stumbled out of their bed and into in the bathroom to wash his sleepy face.

"Love it's okay, they can wait for a while." Taehyung reassured in a soft voice. He knew Jungkook was grumpy these days when he woke up.

"It's not okay Hyung! We'll be late to the meeting! And to our own party! How is that okay?" Jungkook said, his voice coming out a tad bit frustrated, his face scrunched in irritation.

"Hey baby, shh. It's okay, it's really okay, I checked in with Hobi hyung, he said he'll handle them for a while and not many people have arrived. We can be late, love. Nobody's gonna say anything. Relax, don't be so stressed." Taehyung said, the softness never leaving his voice. He walked up to Jungkook and pulled him closer, nuzzling his nose in his cheek.

"Everything is fine, Koo. Now let's get ready and we can drive to the venue. Then we'll get there, get dressed and get our make up and hairstyle done there. How does that sound?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook smiled.

Taehyung didn't even know why he was upset but he knew how to calm him down. Jungkook was so sickeningly in love with this gorgeous man.

"Hyung, you know I love you, right?"

"Ohh yes, I know. I hope you know I love you more." Taehyung chuckled.

"Now that's up for a debate." Jungkook giggled.

"Now, how about I freshen up and then we can leave?"

"Yeah. Okay." Jungkook nodded and let Taehyung go in the bathroom. He caressed his tummy unknowingly and smiled.

He couldn't wait.

"Look who decided to bless us with their presence." Yoongi said, spotting the couple of the day walking through the entrance of the venue.

"Why are you guys late anyway?" Namjoon inquired.


"He fainted, dad." Taehyung said. And suddenly they were surrounded by 6 people.

"Kookie what's wrong?" Jimin asked.

"Did Taehyung do something?" Jin asked, already searching for a pan so he can hit Taehyung.

"Kook, tell appa what's wrong." Yoongi said.

"Jungkook, have you taken enough rest?" Namjoon asked the sensible question.

"Well, we can delay the program if you want?" Hobi said, worriedly.

"Sunbaenim! I'll be your servant for the day! Tell me what you want! In fact, today all my bodyguards will serve you! GET YOUR ASS HERE!" Mingyu screamed.

Taehyung looked at Jin with a scared expression, hoping there wouldn't be a pan anywhere within 200kms of their vicinity and looked at others in disbelief, and  where the fuck did Mingyu pop out from?

Jungkook was overwhelmed. This was all too much. He stepped back, black dots surrounded his vision for 2 seconds.

But two strong arms wrapped around him in an instance, he felt the familiar warmth, his safe place.

"Step back. All of you." Taehyung ordered in a stern voice and glared at them, no one dared to disobey the head of the Kim family. He turned his attention back to Jungkook, turning him around so he could hug him properly.

"It's okay, no one's crowding in on you now. Breath, baby. Shh." Taehyung's voice turned to that tone which he used only when he was with Jungkook.

6 faces looked at them with surprise and happiness. Especially the 2 elder couples, who were ecstatic to see their sons so in love. They watched as Taehyung picked Jungkook up in bridal style and took him to his changing room.

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