Chapter 30

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Everything was calm after the Lee incident. All the traces of the incident taking place were gone, all thanks to Namjoon and Yoongi. Everyone was in peace, no tension whatsoever. It was so calm that Jungkook feared something's going to happen, but he blamed it on his anxious self.

It's been a month long since the incident took place and Taehyung had been going to the company for work as usual. Jungkook was, once again, left alone in the huge mansion by himself. He had started to cook lunch for himself and clean their room by himself despite the maids being there and requesting him not to. He couldn't help it, he literally didn't have anything better to do. He was alone everyday but today he was extra bored.

He pouted.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" He asked himself. Then he took his phone and called his appa.

"Hello, appa!"

"Kookie, is everything alright?"

"Of course it is, why do you ask?"

"I thought something was wrong since you never call your appa anymore."

"You know it's not like that, can't I miss my appa?"

"Aish, sweet talker, what do you want?" Yoongi chuckled.

"I'm just bored, I don't have anything to do right now."

"Oh, so I'm supposed to suggest something?"

"Uhuh, yes."

"Okay Jungkook how about a surprise visit to Taehyung?

"Why?" Jungkook asked confused.

"Say that you just wanted to see how's work going on with him? "

"But I can just ask him on call."

"Help him out a bit too. Jiminah does that alot, I must say, it helps me stress less. And you'll learn something new."

"Oh. Doesn't sound like a bad idea." Jungkook agreed, genuinely liking the idea.

"Okay then appa call you later, bye!"

"Aish you brat, what's the hurry?"

"Sorry appa, but I gotta look good."

"You have inherited looks from me and your eomma, you're the most beautiful person kookie." Yoongi fondly spoke.

"Appa, Kookie loves you. " Jungkook grinned.

"Appa loves you too. Drive safe." Yoongi said and the call ended.

Jungkook hurried to their walk in closet, rummaging through his clothes, finding something suitable to wear. He finally found a silk shirt and threw it on. Letting his fringes fall on his forehead. He smiled at the mirror before walking out.

Bodyguards followed him,one opening the car, while the other two sitting in the front. He gestured for the bodyguard to start driving.

"To the company."

Jungkook looked out of the window, it was almost afternoon and the weather was good. He asked the bodyguard to stop the car in front of an ice-cream parlour. Two bodyguards followed him as he walked into the shop. He bought one chocolate for himself and one strawberry ice cream for Taehyung.

As Jungkook was paying, his eyes landed on the glass door, where two kids were staring at the ice cream s, he turned towards the shopkeeper.

"Pack two cups of vanilla ice creams too, please."

Jungkook took both the bags and walked out, gesturing the children to come closer, they did, cautiously. He handed the bag to one of them and patted their heads, smiling.

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