Chapter 50

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The sound of Children running and playing around and gossip was heard accross the venue. Of course, there would be chaos.

It was Yeonjun and Soobin's wedding after all.

The said couple had went on multiple dates in the last six months. They had wanted to thoroughly get to know each and everything about each other and wanted themselves to feel familiar and comfortable with each other (which they already felt).

Soobin wanted to get married after he completed his studies and Yeonjun didn't mind that. He was, in fact, glad that his soon to be husband would complete his studies and be free of tension during their marriage.

So after going on numerous dates and getting to know each other, when the day of Soobin's graduation arrived, Yeonjun being there as the guest of honour, didn't waste the opportunity and went down on his knee in front of the whole University and proposed Soobin.

It was safe to say the reporters had a field day.

Soobin had been a blushing mess when his soon to be husband slid the ring on his finger and pecked his cheek and hugged him. He heard a squeal, which he was sure belonged to his soon to be brother in law, Hyunjin.

And now here they were, with 1000s of people present to witness their wedding. Some were jealous and some were in awe of the wedding. Such grand wedding couldn't be hosted by anyone except the Kim's. They could only dream of such beautiful arrangements.

As for the grooms, one was a complete mess and other was anything but a mess. If you guessed that Yeonjun was a mess, you are right.

"DADDA SAVE ME!" Yeonjun shouted as Jungkook chased him around his changing room.

Taehyung gulped and shook his head.

"Absolutely not, I wish to go out of this room in one piece."

Hyunjin entered the room and sighed.

"What happened?"

"I don't know either. I just know I don't wanna be his next target." Taehyung whispered as he eyed the vase in Jungkook's hand.

Hyunjin followed his eyes and gulped, but his brain lit up with an idea.

"Mumma, dadda said you look hot when you're angry!" Hyunjin exclaimed and Jungkook stopped in his tracks.

"He did?"

"I did!?"

Hyunjin nodded to the now surprised Taehyung and nudged him to play along.

"H-hyung, d-don't say such t-things in front of the kids." Jungkook warned, blushing.

"But you are hot, baby, I'm not sorry for stating facts." Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook looked at the floor shyly and kept the vase in its place.

"I-im gonna check the v-venue. Hyunjin, help your brother out." Jungkook said before walking towards the door. Taehyung followed him wordlessly, smiling at his shy husband.

"Oh thank God. Bubba, you're a genius." Yeonjun said as he kissed Hyunjin's forehead, but the latter scoffed.

"What did you do to make mumma so angry?"

"Oh, I just said I think we should wait some more and give Soobin some time to think over this."

"Hyung, seriously? Not again! We already went through this a hundred times. I get why mumma was angry."

"No, that's not why he was angry, actually he startled me and I dropped my banana milk on my wedding outfit."

"You did WHAT now?" Hyunjin exclaimed with widened eyes as he pushed Yeonjun out of the way to get a look at his outfit.

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