Chapter 15

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Taehyung was ignoring Jungkook.

Well not exactly ignoring. But Jungkook wasn't stupid to not notice that his husband couldn't maintain eye contact with him for long, or suddenly the kisses he gave were reduced to a limited time. Yes they did speak, but occasionally. Jungkook's security was tightened. Extra guards were placed around the house and near him. He couldn't understand why but he let it be.

Jungkook was trying to figure out why his husband must be acting like that. His mind went back to the party and all that happened that day. Everything seemed pretty normal until he suddenly remembered that he had told his husband that he was a carrier.

Is he disgusted?

No. No. No. That can't be it. His husband can't be disgusted right? He can't be right? Tears pricked in Jungkook's eyes as he thought that maybe his husband was disgusted or saw him as a freak. That's why suddenly he's acting so weird.

Jungkook stood up, making his way to Taehyung's room. He wanted to confirm his doubts. He wanted to hear for himself what Taehyung thought of him. If he was not accepting of Jungkook's condition then Jungkook would gladly let him live his life peacefully and exclude himself. His husband was tolerating him even though  he found him weird, at least he was being nice. He won't be angry with Taehyung, how can he be? He was so fond of him.

As he stood in front of Taehyung's door he contemplated whether to knock or just go in. Jungkook made the decision and barged into the room.

Ooops. Wrong decision.

There stood Taehyung, in his half-naked glory with only trousers on and wet hair. Jungkook gulped and looked away, though it was hard.

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked I'll just leav-"

"It's fine you don't have to knock."

Jungkook nodded.

"I want to talk to you."

"Mhm. Go ahead." Taehyung replied while using a towel to dry his hair.

"Do you find it disgusting?"

Taehyung stopped and turned around to look at Jungkook.

"Find what disgusting?"

"Me being a carrier?"

Taehyung's eyes widened.


"No, I guess you must be disgusted. It's not natural after all. It's weird for a man to carry a child. I know I am d-disgusting, a f-freak. I'm sorry you have to tolerate my presence."

Jungkook said, unaware that tears were already flowing on his cheeks.

"Jungkook, stop."

"I guess that's why you're ignoring me. Ever since the party. You pretty much don't look at me anymore or kiss me as much as you used to. Don't worry though, if you just tell me that you don't like me I'll file a divorce and let you live a happy life, I promise I won't burden you anymore, I -"


Jungkook was startled and let out a whimper. Taehyung's face softened. He threw the towel on a chair went to embrace his husband.

"Shh baby, let it all out."

The nickname did it for Jungkook. The next moment he held on his husband for dear life and cried all his worries out. Just how is he going to leave if Taehyung kept doing such things.

" I'm sorry baby, that you thought all those things. Because of me. I'm so sorry. That wasn't my intention. Just remember I'll never ever find you disgusting. Jungkook always remember that you being a carrier is a blessing to me. Even if you weren't, my fondness for you won't reduce. You make me happy Jungkook. Please don't speak so ill about yourself, love."

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