Chapter 22

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Jungkook woke up to a massive headache. His surroundings were spinning. He held his pounding head, his eyes shifted towards the nightstand. He looked at the tablets and glass of water, there was note besides them.

Morning baby,

Eat the tablets I've kept on the table, it will help you with the headache. We're going out after I come home from office. See you.

PS: You're cute when you are drunk ;)

Jungkook blushed. Hard. And fell on bed dramatically.

"I got drunk. He found me. What happened after that?"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he quickly sat up. He felt dizzy so he first took the medicine.

"Did I say something stupid? No no no.... I don't say stupid things, I DO stupid things, what did I do?"

After a lot of thought about what he might have done, he clicked his tongue when he couldn't remember anything.

"Jungkook, why did you even get drunk?" He asked himself.

And when he did remember his reason for getting drunk, he narrowed his eyes.

"If I did something stupid, than he deserves it." He huffed and did his daily routine, wondering why his husband wants to take him out.

Taehyung was late.

Jungkook was worried.

He kept looking at his phone to see if Taehyung had called him, and he himself contemplated many times if he should call him.

Of course, he was angry at Taehyung, but he was worried about him. After all, he was his husband, his only one, the man he had grown fond of to the point his heart would burst out of love.

It was 11 pm right now, his husband was always home by 8pm. 3 hours. Jungkook decided he could keep his anger aside for a while. He was about to call Taehyung but got a call instead.

Taetae hubby 💜

Jungkook had never been so relieved in his life, he quickly picked up.

"Come outside baby, I'm waiting."


Jungkook pocketed his phone went outside to see Taehyung waiting outside the car. Taehyung gave him a small smile, which affected Jungkook alot more than he would like.

"C'mere." Taehyung stretched his hand towards Jungkook, but Jungkook being an angry rabbit, looked away and ignored him, causing Taehyung to chuckle.

"Still angry?"

No reply.

Taehyung shook his head fondly and opened the door to the car.

"Get in, love."

Jungkook tried his best to not blush and took his seat. Taehyung closed the door behind him and got in the driver's seat. He started the car and they backed out of the drive way.

"How was your day?" Taehyung asked, after a while.

"Fine." Jungkook shortly replied.

There was silence for a while, so Jungkook spoke.

"How was yours?"

"Tiring, too many files, too many employees who don't do their work, too many girls with their nauseating perfume."

Jungkook's hands clenched but he didn't say anything, instead keeping quiet.

After a while, Taehyung stopped the car and ran out to hold the door open for Jungkook.

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