Chapter 28

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Taehyung was pacing back and forth in his home office.

Today, Minho was going to meet Lee and was going to pretend to help him. He was there to pick up some information that would be of help. He was supposed to call Taehyung that night, which had the elder one feeling restless considering he hadn't received a call by now.

When his phone rang, he was quick to pick up.


"Mr. Kim."

"Yes. Go ahead."

"I met him, there wasn't much information I could get, except he's planning to lure you in."

"What kind of plan?"

"He didn't say much. But I think you should have your guard on. Maybe he'll do something neither of us expected. Right now, he left because he  got a call from his son, sounds like they upto something."

"Okay. Thanks for the help."

Taehyung ended the call.

He thought of all the things that Lee could do to bring him down. Kidnapping him or his husband was impossible when they were home. Exposing him to the media was out of option because he doesn't have the guts. Killing them isn't something he's capable of. Taehyung didn't have a good feeling about this. Just as he sat down, a bodyguard burst into his room.

"What?"  Taehyung asked, disappointed at the lack of manners.

"Sir, I- I.. Mr..."

"Start speaking already." Came the annoyed voice of Taehyung.

"Mr. Kim sneaked out of the House."

Taehyung stood up immediately.

"What? How? Why?"

"I don't know, sir."

Taehyung cursed under his breath and pushed past the bodyguard, making his way to the parking. One car was missing. He quickly pulled out his phone and called Jungkook's number. It rang but he didn't pick up. He tried a second time. Same. The third time he tried the phone was out of reach. He quickly called Hobi.

"Hyung track Jungkook's phone. Send me his location. NOW."

"Just a sec."


"He's headed to the abandoned factory on the the outskirts of Seoul. Last location was where the outskirts start."

Taehyung ended the call and got in his car. His mind thinking why Jungkook would pull such a stupid move in a situation like this when he was aware that Lee was only looking for a chance.

Jungkook gave him the only chance he was looking for. His phone rang.

"Jungkook where the fuck are you?" Were Taehyung's first words as soon as he picked up the call.

"Ha ha. Kim. Look at you. I thought like a worried husband you would tag along with him. But look. Left him all alone."

"The fuck is your problem Lee."

"Just your 'better than everyone' attitude Kim. You think you can do anything? Well, do what you want, your husband will suffer the consequences."

"Oh, you think I care about him Lee? Bold of you to assume that kidnapping him will bring me to you. I don't give a fuck about him. All this time I've been using him to get to you." Taehyung spoke coldly.

"Aww so you hear that Jungkook, the sweet words your husband just spoke. I told you I can pleasure you better than him but you didn't listen. Nevermind then. Since Kim here doesn't give a fuck about you...."

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