Chapter 20

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Jungkook was bored.

He had been in the house for two weeks straight. Taehyung hadn't let him go anywhere no matter how much he pouted or whined. The answer was always no. Just like it was right now.


"But I'm bored."

"I prefer you being bored over you being killed Jungkook."

"Well, being bored is killing me."

"That is okay with me."

"Oh come on, please? Just two hours."


"I'm completely healed now, I don't face dizziness anymore nor do I feel tired. I'm perfectly fine."

Lies. He wasn't completely fine. He still had that weird warm feeling in his body, like it needs something. But he didn't tell about it to Taehyung so he won't worry about it. Though he said the truth about him being well, he felt strong like he did before.

"Jungkook, my answer is no."

"Fine then why don't you tag along with me. That fine?"

Taehyung stared at Jungkook. Jungkook stared back. Taehyung just sighed, admitting defeat.

"I can't argue with you, can I ?"

Jungkook grinned.

"No you can't."

"Fine. Go get ready."

He hadn't even completed the sentence but Jungkook was already inside the walk-in closet, choosing his outfit.

Once he was ready, he and Taehyung made their way outside the house, where there were around 7 cars standing, the middle one's door held open by a bodyguard. The remaining 6 cars were also filled with bodyguards, 5 in each car.

Jungkook blinked, then blinked again. He turned towards Taehyung.

"Is this why you agreed?"

Taehyung shrugged and dragged him towards the car.

"Put up with it."

Jungkook accepted his fate.

The 7 cars entered the parking lot of the mall. Bodyguards rushing to stand in order and protect their masters.

As Taehyung and Jungkook walked in the mall, everyone's attention was on them. Jungkook had a mask on but Taehyung didn't. That was enough for gossipers.

'Is that Kim Taehyung?'

'Oh my god! He is so hot!'

'Isn't he married?'

'who cares?'

'who is that? Is that his husband?'

'maybe he is too embarrassed to show his face?'

'no shit, he must be ugly.'

Taehyung glared at everyone who was gossiping. He turned towards Jungkook only to find him staring down at his feet.


No response.

"Jungkook, look at me."

He shook his head. Taehyung stopped,  Jungkook did too.

"Baby remove your mask."

Again, he shook his head.

Taehyung brought his hands to Jungkook's face and caressed it, tilting his chin up so he could meet his eyes.

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