Chapter 16

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Jungkook was anxious.

Ever since the threatening call he had been worried about his family. He could care less what happened to him. The man had some guts to call him and threaten him. Though he was anxious for his family, he was furious. So he decided to find out himself .

Right now he was sitting in front of his laptop, trying to find out who called him. The sim card had been destroyed but it's last location was something that had Jungkook surprised.

It was a shop, just a few blocks away from the museum they had their heist carried out.

Jungkook frowned at that. He quickly zoomed in to see what shop it was, but it was normal mattress selling shop. Something was fishy though. Why would there be 3 mattress shops in a line? All under the same person?

He called Hobi.

"Hello Hyung."

"Heyy Jungkook how's it going man?"

"I'm fine hyung, just need your help."

" Anything."

"Search for Lee Ji-seok. I want his information. Everything that includes him, don't miss out anything."

"Sure I'll call you in 15. Bye."

Jungkook closed his eyes and tried to recollect all the events that had happened since he got married.
There had been nothing suspicious. But he had a bad feeling about that asshole Seo-Jun and that old man who had flirted with him. For some reason they both had seemed a bit off.

Jungkook sighed. Nothing could go wrong as long as he had everyone's trust. Especially Taehyung's. He couldn't let anyone harm him or he would be devastated. His husband should be safe no matter what so he had to eliminate everything that was threatening them at this moment. He had to be precise with this plan. One wrong move and the enemy would be alerted.

The ringing of his phone brought him out of his thoughts. He quickly picked it up.


"Did you get it hyung?"

"Yes Jungkook I've sent you the details."

"Okay hold on."

Jungkook quickly opened his laptop and scanned through the messages he had got. Opening the folder he scanned through the document Hobi had sent him. His eyes widened.

"I knew it. Hobi Hyung, can you tell me what's Seo-Jun's surname."

"It's Lee."

"Okay Hyung thanks I'll call you later."

Jungkook threw his phone aside and held his head in his hands. This man, Lee Ji-seok was none other than that old man who had harrassed him. And of course he was that bastard Seo-Jun's relative, his uncle to be precise.

So all of the things that happened until now were planned.

Jungkook was having a headache now. Why do they have to meddle in my life.

The door to their room opened and Taehyung entered. He looked pissed off. Jungkook frowned at that.

"Are you okay?"




Jungkook got up from his place and walked to Taehyung, turning him around so he could face him and wrapped his arms around him. He leaned closer so his chin was on his chest and looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked softly.

Taehyung had no expression on his face, but inside he was melting. His husband looked so cute right now.

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