Chapter 42

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Taehyung sighed as he looked at the bowed heads of the employees before him. He was fuming right now because his employees were being the most useless people in the world.

"So you don't know where the finance files are?" He asked.

"N-no sir." An employee stuttered.

"And you all say you haven't seen the file since...?"

"Past Month."

Taehyung nodded and looked at the three people in front of him.

"You're fired."

The three head shot towards him, utter horror and fear written on their faces.


"There's no place irresponsible and incompetent clients here. Bunch of imbeciles have filled my office. Out this instance or do you want the whole office to notice the security dragging you'll out?"


"Then I want you and your things out of my company like they never existed. Out." Taehyung slammed his hand on the table. The three employees rushed out, looking close to crying.

"Fuck this." Taehyung cursed. He was really frustrated since past few days. He didn't know the reason. Maybe it was because of too much work load. Or maybe because Jungkook was acting weird too.

The younger felt like an alien to Taehyung. One second he would be smiling and the next he'd be throwing things at him. Taehyung was scared of Jungkook, he couldn't possibly predict what the younger would do next.

Never let them know your next move.

Taehyung didn't know how to calm the younger down. He desperately wanted Jungkook to be happy, but the younger's mood swings were deadly and Taehyung was on the edge due to his stress too. He was afraid he'd take it out on Jungkook. He was starting to get a headache now.

He leaned his head on the table, the cold surface giving him a bit of comfort. The Knock on the door pulled him out of his comfort zone. He clenched his jaw as he ordered.

"Get lost if it's nothing is important, if it is then discuss it with my secretary."

The door opened slowly. Taehyung lifted his head to glare at the person who dared to disturb him, but his eyes softened when he saw the person.

"Koo." He called out, the irritation leaving his voice instantly, instead filling with love and and a tint of whine.

Jungkook's doe eyes stared back at him with equal love and affection. He stepped inside and locked the door behind him.

"What's wrong, lovely?" Jungkook asked softly.

Oh how Taehyung had wanted someone to ask him that.

"Everything is. Too much work. I'm not giving you enough time and attention. And you're moody these days and I don't know why. I wanna be better and keep you happy. I'm sorry I'm being such an ignorant husband, love. Everything's just being too much and I can't cope with it. Am I incompetent?" Taehyung asked Jungkook, his face filled with guilt. Jungkook walked towards him, taking hold of his hand and making him stand up. He lead them to the couch in his office and laid him down, laying on top of him.

Jungkook kissed his forehead, letting his lips linger there for a while. He turned his eyes to his husband's. He cursed himself in his mind when he noticed the longing, sadness and frustration in them. Was Taehyung really the incompetent one when Jungkook was the one who didn't pay much attention to his husband?

"Baby, you aren't incompetent. You're the most wonderful and perfect person I've laid my eyes on. I know work is too much right now. I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you because I was too caught up in myself. It's me who is incompetent. Not you. Never you, My love." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung's eyes drooped a bit as he smiled.

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