Chapter 34

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Jungkook drove aimlessly.

His mind was only filled with the sweet memories of his husband. Never once in those memories it felt like Taehyung had been dishonest with him. Everything was sincere. His each gesture was sincere.

The times they kissed each other like the other was oxygen. The times they said I love you's while looking deep in each other's eyes. The times when Taehyung would gently caress his waist after a long night of love making, apologizing for going too hard on him, and then tend to him the next day. The times when Taehyung would mark him as his if he felt that people were staring at Jungkook too long. The expensive gifts that Jungkook would deny but Taehyung would simply say, 'You deserve more than what I'm giving you, you deserve everything, baby.'

In only a few moments, months of hardwork and love in their relationship was destroyed, all because of one person.

Jungkook stopped the car and leaned his head on the steering wheel. Small sniffles left his mouth as he tried to control his crying. He remembered how sincere Taehyung sounded when he said he didn't remember anything. How desperately he had asked Jungkook to believe him. How he too, was trying hard not to cry and convince Jungkook of his innocence.

It all felt so honest, when Jungkook had gazed in Taehyung's eyes. He could read the truthfulness in them.

But Jungkook doubted himself if he read it right. Or if his husband was just too good at pretending.

Jungkook took his phone out and called Jimin.

"Eomma." He whimpered as soon as Jimin picked up.

"Jungkook? Baby I'm glad you called I was going to call you right now. Listen-"

"Eomma Taehyung cheated on me."

"Oh baby, why would say that?"

"Eomma, weren't you the one who asked me turn on the television, didn't you see it yourself. He slept with that shitface." Jungkook said, frustrated.

"Baby, I was going to call because of that video. Taehyung didn't cheat on you."

"Eomma if you're taking his side then please, you're free to end the call."

"No Jungkook listen to me first." Jimin said, this time his voice was stern. Jungkook didn't say anything but he didn't end the call either.

"Jungkook look at the video carefully, I'm sending it to you again."

"Eomma are you serious? I-"

"Do as I say." Jungkook bit his lip in uncertainty and played the video.

"Look at it carefully, what do you notice?"

"It's a room. Taehyung on the couch with that dog hovering over him."

"Jungkook ignore what's in front of you, focus on other things. Common people would leave the details and focus on the gossip. You are doing that. Don't focus on the gossip of the town, look at the hidden details."

Jungkook frowned, he didn't understand what Jimin was trying to say. If he ignored what's in front of him then what should he watch?

"Eomma wha-" Then Jungkook realised.

"The camera angle. It's... It's in front of them. Cameras are usually in the corner of the rooms."

"Yes, Jungkook. So..."

"This was purposely recorded. Why would Taehyung purposely record it? He wouldn't want anyone to know about him cheating, unless he himself was unaware of the camera."

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