Chapter 49

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"Hyunjin! I didn't expect you to be here." Yeonjun said, surprised at his younger brother's sudden presence in his cabin at the company.

"Hyung, you know why I am here, don't act clueless." Hyunjin replied, hands on his hips with a done look on his face.

Yeonjun sighed.

He was quite aware of the reason his Lil bro was here. In fact, he was kind of hoping he would be able to avoid it.

Hyunjin was excellent at reading his brother's expression. Even though he had taken up their dadda's habit of keeping a neutral expression all the time, Hyunjin could see through his brother. It always amazed Yeonjun how his brother could know what he was thinking considering they have a six year age gap. But he decided that his brother was just special for that.

"Hyung, it's just a meeting, we aren't getting you married today. You know that if you deny then mumma won't force you right." Hyunjin said in a soft voice.

"I know, Bubba. But you know how I feel about this, I -"

"Then you should have thought about it before asking mom and dad to search your life partner for you."

True. Yeonjun thought and let out a sigh. He was, in fact, the one who had asked his parents to find someone for him because he certainly didn't like anyone in 24 years of life. He didn't mind an arrange marriage, his parents knew better than him who would be suitable to spend a life a with him. But now that they have actually found someone for him, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"When are they coming?" He asked.

"There's still three hours, hyung. how about we get home and I'll give some delicious cookies and banana milk?" Hyunjin offered, wanting to comfort his brother. Of course, Yeonjun was his mumma's son, he absolutely loved banana milk.

Yeonjun smiled at him and nodded his head.

He was blessed to have a sibling like Hyunjin.

"Do you think we are rushing it?" Jungkook asked Taehyung while getting ready in front of the mirror.

Two eyes stared at him through glasses with affection.

"Baby, you've asked this 2 times already, my answer is still the same. No we aren't. Remember? We asked Yeonjun if he was ready and he had nodded."

"Yes, but hyung, what if he is doing it under pressure just because he felt obliged to say yes?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung sighed and turned his husband towards him. He looked deep in the eyes that he loved so much while he gently whispered,

"Baby, if he was uncomfortable with marriage he would have made it clear in the start. You know he doesn't do what he isn't sure of. And if he has second thoughts, we could always wait. We aren't rushing into anything, love."

Jungkook could only get lost in the love and sincerity in his husband's eyes. He nodded and sighed.

Taehyung smiled and kissed him. Jungkook immediately responded to the kiss. He needed comfort and his husband was providing him just that. He whined when his husband pulled away, causing him to chuckle.

" Come on, now. They are waiting downstairs. Don't worry, I'll give you more tonight." Taehyung whispered and with a peck, they parted.

Taehyung went to Yeonjun's room while Jungkook went to call Hyunjin and they both went downstairs to attend to their guests.

Taehyung knocked twice on Yeonjun's room and waited for a reply before getting in.

"Come on, champ. They're here."

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