Chapter 2

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Two people get married when they are in love and ready to commit to each other for the rest of their life.

Not the case here.

Though it was Taehyung's wedding. He did not feel happy. He was far from happy. But he decided to just blame his fiancé for not standing up to his parents'. He was aware of the reason but decided he wanted to blame someone. What better candidate then your soon to be husband ?

Before their engagement, their parents had decided to set them up for a meet so they could get know each other. Taehyung had strongly disagreed but then his eomma had glared at him and he agreed ( he wasn't scared of his eomma, absolutely not) .

He had not been polite to his future husband. Straight up going to him, slamming his hands on the table and demanding an answer as to why he hadn't protested against this marriage only to be surprised by his future husband's reply .

"Hello to you too, I'm Jungkook which you don't know because apparently you were busy sulking in your room when we were supposed to be introduced. It's because of  you that we are here right now. So kindly stop gaping at me with your mouth open you look like fish and introduce yourself even though I know who you are so we can start this conversation like civilised people without any further delay."

It was then that Taehyung realised he was looking at Jungkook with his mouth open so he shut it instantly and sat down on the chair in front of him. He concluded one thing from this encounter.

His husband was far from shy and was quite sassy. He then remembered he was here to talk with him.

"I'm Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook had smiled at him and suddenly he felt weird in the stomach. He blamed it on his skipped breakfast. He was definitely just hungry. Nothing else. Yes .

"So Mr. Kim you were asking about why I agreed to this marriage, am I right?"

"Yes." Taehyung had his cold expression on.

"It's because my parents have given me everything I've ever wanted since birth, be it a toy or gun or any other equipment. They have never once said no. This is the only time that they had wanted to make decision for me and I let them. It's not because I have no choice, they want me in safe and good hands. My parents are my everything, I only want them happy with their life and not make them regret anything if in case I marry to the wrong person. I trust my parents' choice. So no this is not exactly forced but I can't defy my parents' decision. I love them too much to do that."

Taehyung had been in deep thought at that time. He was still angry but somehow not as much as he was when he arrived to meet Jungkook. He thought about Jungkook's reasoning, it wasn't wrong. But why am I dragged in this mess?

They had talked. Mostly Jungkook. Taehyung realised his Future husband was talkative, sassy and bold. This was not how he thought his husband would be.

After their "date" was over and he was home, he thought about the marriage thing. He was not going to entertain his husband in anyways after marriage. They can live their own lives in their house like roommates. It won't be that hard right?

His wedding was close. Just 2 more weeks. He knew it was no joke. His husband was....frank in behaviour, so it was only a matter of time he knew his husband would straight up ask him why he was ignoring him. He thought about how he would reply him but couldn't think of a proper excuse. He set the matter aside for the time being.

A few days passed after their "date". Taehyung had seen Jungkook being a frequent guest in his house and had also noticed his eomma being close to him. They seemed close. Almost like when he was with his eomma just leaving the smiling part. And Taehyung was not envious. He felt glad. He felt good that his future husband and eomma got along so well.

At least there won't be family drama.

The Min family was invited over almost everyday. He got along well with his soon to be mom in law Jimin. He and Yoongi had formed a great bond due to these meets. He wouldn't call him close but he considered them as family. That was a big move in Taehyung's and his family's eyes. After all he was known for being cold.

The two weeks passed by quicker than he thought and would like. He was still uneasy with idea of being married to Jungkook. Though their families had been close from the start and have got closer in their recent meets, he and Jungkook made no development at all. The younger would avoid talking to the elder one and the elder one was stubborn as well, not making any progress. Taehyung was contemplating his decision about 'staying as if roomates' with his husband. Should he give him a chance? The thought was sent away as soon as it came.

It's better this way.

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