Chapter 27

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"What's the update?"

"Sir, the attack on both Kim and his husband failed."

A hand slammed on the table, the bodyguard providing the information was startled.

"Next update."

"S-sir-, your brother got arrested."


"Yes, they found all evidences of child trafficking."

"I knew that bastard was of no use. Give me a good news that's worth your life."

The bodyguard gulped.

"We have found your son sir."

"Finally something worth hearing!"

"But ..."

"What now?"

"They.. tortured him sir.. there's no sign of rape but.. they have totally damaged his.. private part." The bodyguard somehow managed to say the words, he hid his grimace. He won't admit it but he was glad he wasn't the one who was against the Kim's. And in all honesty, he knew his boss was all bark and no bite.

This time, the whole table was thown across the room, the man sitting on the chair stood up. He looked at the bodyguard and ordered,

"Call my other son, he'll be of good use here, make up a lie and tell him we are the victims, he'll be on our side."

He gestured the bodyguard to get lost. The bodyguard did, totally knowing that this plan too, will fail miserably.

His boss was no match for the Kim and Min family.

Taehyung and Jungkook had returned home after spending some time with their family. Even though he had already killed the guy who attacked his eomma, he was still not satisfied. He wanted to kill his boss. The main mind behind all of this.

He wanted to kill Lee Mingjue.

Jungkook was, even if it didn't look like, livid at the fact that a family member of his was attacked. Of course it was okay as long as they targeted him. They were on Jungkook's 'To Kill' list the day his husband was attacked. He won't be forgiving towards them no matter what. Right now, they were sitting and planning their next move.

"I'm sure Seo-Jun will come out someday to enjoy his temporary freedom. That's our chance. We have to send a bait. A bait that will help us reach his father's location. And since he escaped, he'll be under his father's wing. Both will be residing in the same place. We need to wait until he's out, Hobi has an eye on them." Taehyung said.

Jungkook thought about it. The plan wasn't too bad, but they needed a suitable bait, something believable. But who?

Taehyung's phone rang, it was Hobi.


Taehyung was silent for a minute, then his expression changed to disbelief.

"What? But how? And who?"

Taehyung nodded.

"Okay be quick."

Taehyung ended the call and heaved a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Lee."

"What about him, did he do something?"

"No, but he is about to."

"Tell me."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook.

"He has another son. He is planning to take his help. Hobi is trying to get information on him. It seems like he and his son don't have a healthy relationship, but I don't know what story he'll make up to have his son by his side. "

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