Chapter 40

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Jungkook squinted his eyes as he woke up, stretching like a cat, but wincing when his lower body felt like it was breaking apart. Then, the events of last night flooded his mind. A shade of pink dusted his cheeks and arousal pooled in his insides. He shook his head, trying to come back to his senses and looked around.

He wasn't on the rooftop anymore, he was in their bedroom, on their bed, naked, but clean. Jungkook smiled because he knew his husband took care of him last night.

He tried to get up, flinching and hissing in pain as he did so, with support of the bed and walls, he somehow made it to the bathroom. He took a bath instead of shower and limped his way to their walk in closet. He bit his lip as he tried to find what to wear for the day, even after there were three rows and two cupboards full of clothes in front of him. But you can't blame him.

It's a universal problem!

He turned around to look for something else but his eyes landed on his husband's side of the closet. He smirked. Aha! Finally something to wear.

He put on his underwear and then his husband's hoodie, which was oversized for him. He sighed as he smelt his husband's scent on the hoodie. He wore nothing underneath it as it already reached his thighs. It was enough to cover the hickies on his thighs. He tried to walk normally and not limp but it was really hard to do so. He searched for his husband, who wasn't found in the kitchen, nor in the living room. He couldn't even call him because he left his phone in the bedroom!

He clicked his tongue in frustration and walked back upstairs. This time he walked all the way to the second floor and to his husband's office. But on his way there he heard someone talking in the meeting room, so he walked there. He recognised Taehyung's voice. He sighed in relief and opened the door, ready to walk in and greet him.

The first thing he saw when he entered the room was bodyguards standing all around the room. Taehyung stood there, hands folded, with his usual stoic face, eyes cold. The atmosphere felt serious. He decided not to interrupt and was about to close the door but one of the bodyguards spotted him.

"Master Kim." The bodyguard greeted, pretty loudly. 50 sets of eyes turned towards him. He too, kept his face void of any emotion, but inside he was panicking because he really wasn't in a attire where he could meet his bodyguards. He looked at his husband who was looking at him intensely.

"Come here Jungkook." Taehyung said. Jungkook opened his mouth to disagree but the look his husband gave him made him shut up. He closed the door behind him and slowly walked towards Taehyung.

Taehyung stared down at him. Jungkook felt so tiny in front of his husband. Even though Jungkook had more muscles, his husband was still stronger and taller than him.

Jungkook stood silently, looking down at his feet. Taehyung stretched one of his hands towards Jungkook's and yanked him forwards. Jungkook's eyes widened but he relaxed when Taehyung buried his face in his neck, arms wrapping tightly around his waist.

"Morning." Taehyung whispered, pressing his lips to his neck.

"Morning." Jungkook smiled widely and broke the hug, only to stand on his tip toes and peck his husband on the lips, smiling cutely after that. Taehyung smiled back and nuzzled his nose in his cheek.

"Why did you not call me? I would have come downstairs, aren't you sore?"

"I left my phone in the bedroom, I walked downstairs and then came all the way here because I couldn't find you. " Jungkook pouted. Taehyung stared at his pouting husband, then buried his face in his neck once again, this time biting him.

"Ahn- hyungiee!" Jungkook let out a startled moan.

"That's how you moaned under me last night." Taehyung whispered. Jungkook hit his chest, face red.

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