Chapter 9

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The day had come.

It was now time for Jungkook to do what he had been really craving.


Well....Not exactly to steal but he lived for the thrill of it.

It's been months since my last one, thought Jungkook as he strolled down the stairs to meet his team. Everything had been planned and engraved in everyone's mind. The routes, the moves, the escape.

Their men would be scattered around all over the place, looking as discreet as possible. Hobi would be sitting in a nearby car, hacking through the cameras to navigate the route to Jungkook and his partner, Seo-Jun.

Speaking of his partner, Jungkook seemed really uncomfortable with him around. Seo-Jun always kept an eye on him and it was creeping him out. He wasn't really surprised because he was new to the team and their boss' husband so it was expected to be stared at, everyone else did too. Jungkook thought that maybe his husband had set the man up to keep an eye on him so that he won't make any mistake or to help him out. He brushed off the man from his mind. He had to focus on the heist.

Jungkook walked towards his husband, who was standing in the middle and looking at the team.

"Hey, What's going on, why do you all look like you just played stare with Medusa?"

He asked, looking at the men who were freezed on their spot, looking white as sheet while staring between him and his husband. He looked at his husband with suspicious eyes.

"Did you say something to them?"



"Mhm." Taehyung replied with a poker face.

Jungkook absolutely did not believe his husband.

"You know if you scare them right now they might make mistakes in the heist."

"They know what'll happened when they do."

Taehyung glared at his men. The bulky men, all armed with guns, a bit taller than the couple, gulped hard, stuttering out a 'yes' while heads lower. Taehyung looked so dominant right now and Jungkook's mind was messing up. So dominant, so fucking hot. Fuck I really shouldn't get a boner right now.

Taehyung waved his hand at his men and all of them were out in the next second. He turned towards his husband, his dominant aura now gone, replaced with worry and nervousness.

"Will you be alright?"




"If something goes wrong then?"

"Then I'll abort the mission."


"Come back home. To you. The team will guard me all the way home."


That being said Taehyung pulled Jungkook towards him, the sudden force made Jungkook collide with his chest. He looked up at his husband who was already looking at him. He slowly wrapped his husband in a hug, his face buried in his husband's chest, he's so cuddly.

Taehyung tilted his face upwards to have a better look at him. He caressed his chin while taking in the details of Jungkook's face. Ethereal.

The soft look in Taehyung's eyes made Jungkook's stomach twist in a good way. He was looking at him like nobody else had. The look in his eyes made Jungkook want to drown in them, deep, the look sparked a desire in Jungkook, a desire to to show his husband how much he was craving him. Was it too fast? He thought, but realised it really wasn't. It had been almost 3 months in their marriage and there was no intimacy between them. Sure the touches they shared were special but both had been craving for more, they needed more. Their self control was losing.

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