Chapter 3

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The day had come.

It was his wedding...

Holy Shit I'm getting married.

Taehyung had come in terms with the fact that he was getting married but he was still a grumpy tiger who ignored the sassy bunny.

Over the few days his family and his 'other family' had spent a lot of time enjoying together, he and Jungkook barely ever spoke. Taehyung and Jungkook had a good relation with their in laws yet they would not speak to each other . Their last conversation had taken place on their 'date' and they hadn't spoken to each other since, except for the casual greetings which usually went like  'Hey' from the bored Jungkook to which he received a death glare and ignorance from his soon to be husband.

But today he couldn't ignore his husband as it was their wedding and it would be totally an image wrecking event for their parents if he ignored Jungkook.

Standing at the end of the aisle, he sighed. No turning back now, he thought. Taehyung was brought out of his thoughts when a melody filled the air. His attention for now at the other end of the aisle.

There, walking with his father Yoongi, was Jungkook, in his white suit and bouquet of lilies in his hands.

He looks ethereal, was Taehyung's first thought. He paid no mind to the thought. It was his wedding and he blamed it on his wedding that his mind was fucked up and was spewing nonsense.

When they reached Taehyung, Yoongi handed Jungkook over to him while saying, "Take care of our bunny, we trust you." With a small smile plastered on his face. It was unusual for his dad in law to smile, he had only ever seen him smile when his husband Jimin had been laughing at a joke his eomma Jin had cracked. And Taehyung had noticed that it wasn't because of the joke he had been smiling, but in fact was smiling at his laughing husband who was leaning on him for support. Taehyung knew that smile was out of love for his husband and he had been envious of them, for finding love, for being happy with their partner, while he was forced in his marriage. Taehyung had known he would never have that, hence he decided to avoid his husband, if he couldn't have love then he would also love to avoid having quarrels with his sassy and not-so-innocent-husband .

Taehyung took Jungkook's hand and with a blank face he replied, "I will".

Soon the wedding vows were said, repeating after the priest, saying 'I do's ' while their minds were fighting a different battle. They had accepted each other now, for their entire life. It was now the time to seal their promises.

Taehyung was nervous, he had never thought that the first time he would kiss would be in his wedding. He wasn't surprised though, considering he never played around with anyone nor had any serious relationships.

He took a deep breath and leaned in. Jungkook did too. Both looked deep in each other's eyes and then Taehyung thought Let's get this over with. So he attached their lips.

There were no sparks, no, but he didn't feel uncomfortable, he did feel weird, instead they both felt, it was nice, the kiss was soft, just moving their lips against each other's, melting on each other's lips, like they were meant to be, but yet both the men did not understand the foreign feelings. They parted, still heavily breathing.
Both of them had the same thought running in their minds.

Holy shit I kissed him! But why wasn't it weird? Why was it so comfortable?

But before they could contemplate their thoughts and actions, everyone started clapping. Jungkook looked around with an awkward smile while Taehyung as usual had a stoic expression. When he looked in the direction of his parents, he was surprised to see his father smiling a little smile. It was rare and out of genuine happiness. But when he saw his parents sharing a kiss and looking at him, eyes full of happiness and pride, he felt alot better that he was the reason his parents were happy.

When it was time for them to leave, Jungkook left to meet his parents while Taehyung went tomeet his.

He walked to his parents and stood beside them. Namjoon handed him a set of keys saying " This is the key for your new house, you and Jungkook will be living there from now on. The driver knows the address, he will drop you off. " Taehyung slipped the keys in his suit. His eomma looked at him, for the first time Taehyung could see a bit sadness in his eyes but also a great deal of happiness. His eomma said, " Taehyung, you're now a married man, you have responsibilities, provide your husband with everything you can, keep him happy. I know it's hard for the both of you, but please understand our decision, it's for the better. Don't forget your eomma and appa, come to us when you need anything, we'll be there for you, always. Keep him safe Taehyung, I know we are both Mafia families, but he has never had blood on his hands, he is pure and innocent. It will take time for both of you to get along, but don't give up on him." For split second he saw tears in his eomma's eyes, but Jin quickly looked away. Taehyung felt like he too would get emotional. It was surprising for him to see his eomma like this, but he also understood his eomma.

"I'll try to get along." Taehyung replied.

After years of living together they were getting separated. It wasn't like he was leaving his family or his name, unlike Jungkook. Thinking of Jungkook he looked in his direction. For some reason, he did not like what he saw.

There was Jungkook, bent and hugging his eomma with tears in his eyes. Tears in his eyes made Taehyung feel uneasy and he couldn't think why. Soon he let go and the tears started flowing on his cheeks, he was sobbing and sniffing but didn't let go of his eomma. Jimin was crying too, hugging his son tightly. Yoongi wasn't looking at them, probably fearing he would cry too. Jungkook broke the hug with his eomma and hugged his appa. Yoongi hugged him back, just as tightly. He was gonna miss his Little bunny, miss having him around, miss him being all sassy with his eomma and team up on him. Yoongi smiled down at his son. He was a spoiled kid, loved attention but never had hurt someone despite being in the mafia line of families. His eyes soon turned red, fearing he might cry, he let go his and looked away. They said their good byed to each other.

Both the families escorted the newly married couple to their house.

Their house. Taehyung thought.

His and Jungkook's.

Jungkook. Taehyung looked at him.


When they both looked at each other, one thought rang in their head.

My husband.

Both thought it had a nice ring to it. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they had to try, for the sake of their parents. Little did they know that their first conversation with each other would be because of Jungkook's thirst for attention. And for the first time,  the Tiger would fall as a prey for the rabbit.

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