Chapter 7

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Jungkook and Taehyung walked downstairs and into the office. There they saw a group of people standing and gossiping. When they saw the both of them walking in, everyone went silent.

Jungkook scanned the crowd, he couldn't see anyone familiar until..

"J-Hope Hyung!"

Jungkook smiled and waved at Hobi who had a serious expression on until Jungkook smiled at him and he couldn't resist the smile that creeped up on his face. He waved back.

The people standing in the room were shocked. They had never seen Hobi smile. Never. He was the most strict person during any mission. There was no joking when J-Hope was involved in a mission. Seeing this unknown person could make Hobi smile like sunshine, they could only wonder who he was.

They observed the person, soon the observation turned into checking out. Whoever this person was, looked like a dream. Smooth skin and bunny like smile, so dreamy.

It was safe to say Taehyung almost nailed them with his bullets. If a stare could kill someone they would probably die a hundred deaths. He couldn't blame them though, they didn't know who Jungkook was. He would love to see the look on their faces after the introduction. He smirked.

He wrapped an arm around Jungkook's waist and pulled him close. Jungkook was a blushing mess yet again. Taehyung then glared at everyone, his cold stare was enough for everyone to lower their eyes. And then he introduced Jungkook.

"This is my husband, Kim Jungkook."

At that, everyone's eyes snapped towards them, mouth agape.

"He will be your commander in this mission and will also take part in the heist which will be planned by him. What he says will happen, follow his commands, dare to disobey or protest, it will be my wrath that you suffer, consider yourself lucky if my husband doesn't kill you himself."

Everyone gulped at that. The fear was visible in their eyes. Jungkook was loving it, the way his husband held him and commanded all his men. It was sexiness overload, he could feel his eyes take a heart shape.

"He is my husband, which means he is your boss. From now on, he rules this household and everyone living here. His protection as well as endangerment will cost you your life. His words are rules, disobedience is out of question. Any misbehavior towards him and it won't only be me you'll face. You already have an idea who I am talking about."

The people present in the room were close to pissing in their pants. It was the first time they were meeting someone who was this close to their boss and to imagine the consequences, as their boss had just said.... They gulped imagining themselves in front of him.

After Taehyung finished speaking, everyone including Hobi, kneeled on the floor, heads lowered.

Jungkook was in awe. He felt like a .... Royalty. He knew that this was mafia business, your people shouldn't dare to look in your eyes, their place should be below your feet, their loyalty towards you engraved in their blood. The feeling of superiority was felt by Jungkook, and to know that his husband makes him feel like this stirred some emotions in him. Jungkook was happy. I can't wait to tell you eomma.

Taehyung looked at his husband and noticed he was in a trance. He tightened his hold on him which broke him out of the trance. His eyes snapped towards his husband. Taehyung could see the emotions in his husband's eyes. His husband was glowing, he looked beautiful.

Jungkook looked around to see the people still kneeling. He cleared his throat. His voice was now suddenly deep and cold, just like his husband.

"You can stand up now."

And they did. Everyone was up in a flash but heads still lowered.

"We'll start planning tomorrow. Is there anyone who should be here but isn't present right now?"

It was Hobi who answered.

"Yes. A guy named Seo-Jun is not present today. He is currently on the site the heist will take place at. He will bring us the photos so you can plan accordingly."

"Mhm. Disperse."

Everyone was out of the room, like they were waiting for that moment.
After they were gone, Jungkook giggled.

"You made me feel like I was a Royalty or something."

"You are."

Jungkook's head snapped towards Taehyung. Taehyung continued.

"When I said you rule this household and people living here. I meant it. Everyone including me. After eomma you are in line to take charge of Kim household, like a queen. Everything goes according to your word, nobody questions your decision, not even me unless it's really important."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, taking his hands in his own and caressing them.

"I know we just married each other. But I want you to know I will keep you safe and happy. I am trying. This is all new to me. All these things I feel when I'm with you.... I've never felt these before. You're new to the household, it'll take some time adjusting but please do. Eomma will be happy to handover his responsibility to you. As I've said before, you are far more capable."

Taehyung kissed Jungkook's hands. Jungkook smiled shyly at him.

"I want to try it out with you too. I will be happy to take over after eomma. But I have to ask something."

"Go ahead."

"Who were you talking about when you threatened the team...the other person?"

"I was talking about eomma."

Jungkook was surprised. "Eomma?"

"Mhm. You might be the next in charge of the household but he is the current one and you are his son in law. He loves you too and you've already seen it. He spoils you more than he ever spoiled me. So if he can rip the eyes of the man out who disobeyed appa, that too in front of everyone in the mafia, you can only imagine what will happen if someone misbehaved or disobeyed his precious son in law."

Jungkook was in awe of his mom in law. He didn't know his eomma was so... Scary. He didn't know whether to feel thrilled that he will be learning from such a person or be scared.

"No need to be scared of him. He loves  you too much and knows you  don't like blood. Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'll be there for you of course. I'll do the all the work that includes blood, for you." Taehyung kissed his husband's cheek, which was pink by now.

"Come on, let's go and have dinner. Then you can start planning about the heist, the rest can be planned when we recieve the photos." Taehyung said, moving to leave the room but was pulled back by his husband.

Jungkook looked at his husband for a split second before planting a kiss on his cheek, murmuring a small 'Thank you' and then dashing out the room.

Taehyung just stood there, contemplating what just happened. Then, he smiled his boxy smile while touching his cheek where his husband had kissed him. The spot still  tingling after his husband's touch. Was he shy?  Fuck my husband is so cute.

This had just started, he couldn't wait to see how see it goes. Taehyung just smiled and followed his husband out. I can't wait to see you getting shy again, Jungkook.

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