Chapter 12

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It had been a few days since the heist incident. Jungkook couldn't believe that they didn't have any problems in their 5 months of marriage. Except for the fact that they weren't talking for the first month, it's been peaceful. The pair had actually become like every other domestic couple and they were enjoying the intimacy they had as both of them hadn't experienced this before.

As Jungkook was setting their breakfast on the table, he felt two arms wrap around him from behind. He unconsciously smiled.

"Good Morning." Jungkook wished as he turned around to face his husband.

"Morning." Taehyung whispered as he leaned in to get his usual morning kiss. Jungkook gladly let his husband taste him. He figured it had been a while since his husband woke up since his breath was minty and he didn't have his morning voice.

Taehyung broke the kiss and Jungkook kissed his cheek.

"Eomma called." Taehyung said.

"Really? For what?"

"They are throwing a party."

"Any special occasion?"

"Your introduction. To the Underworld."

"Is it necessary?"

"It is. Our family is one of the most feared Mafia and yours is too. It is important to show that our families are now one. They'll get the message of not messing with us as well as we'll be in profit considering many people in the mafia run companies."

"Ohh I see. When do we have to be there?"

"Today. The party is tomorrow but eomma insisted we go there today. Your appa and eomma will also be there."

" Really!!!Okay then, I'll start packing after breakfast." Jungkook's eyes lit up know his parents will be there too. Oh eomma, how much I wanna share this with you.

"Sounds good."

They had breakfast in silence after that. Jungkook was really excited to meet his parents. Time really does fly.

The car stopped in front of Kim mansion and Jungkook excitedly got out of the car. He could see 4 figures standing near the door and he broke into a run.

"Eomma! Appa! I missed you so much." He exclaimed while hugging both of them.

"Oh I know how much you missed us considering I didn't receive a single call from you since you're married." Jimin said, as he broke the hug to look at his son with an accusing gaze.

"Oh come on, he is married now, I'm sure he needs to spend more of his time with his husband." Yoongi said, while looking at Jungkook and smirking.

"Ahhhhh Jin eomma!!! Eomma and appa are bullying me!" Jungkook whined to his mom in law. He knew his defence right now is his Jin eomma.

"Aww c'mere, and you guys don't bully my son in law like that." Jin said while pulling Jungkook in his embrace. Jungkook stuck his tongue out to Jimin and Yoongi, Jimin imitated him while Yoongi just laughed at their antics.

"Namjoon appa! How are you doing?" Jungkook asked with a big smile.

"I'm fine Jungkook, how are you?"

"I'm good too."

Taehyung who was waiting to greet his parents and in law's, stepped forward.

"Eomma, dad." He greeted and went to shake their hands but Jin pulled him in a hug.

"We missed you." Jin whispered in his ear.

"The house is really silent without you." Namjoon said with a blank face but you could see the emotions in his eyes.

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