Chapter 17

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( A/N: some dirty talk ahead ;) )

They were going to the company today.

Jungkook was nervous but same couldn't be said for Taehyung. He was still thinking about the deal. Disgusting was the only word he could think of.

What Jungkook didn't know was, what exactly the deal was about. He didn't ask either. If his husband didn't like it, then it won't happen, end of discussion. Only if Jungkook knew what the deal was about, Taehyung didn't know how he would react. Of course it was related to transport only, but what exactly was it? Jungkook had no idea, but he had a feeling he wasn't going to like it.

"Jungkook, are you ready?" Taehyung asked as put on his coat. Jungkook looked at his husband and he had to hold back a gasp. His husband looked breathtaking in every colour. Naturally Handsome. Must have something to do with their genes.

When Taehyung didn't get an answer, he turned to look at Jungkook only for his heart to skip a beat. His husband, as always, looked ethereal, but dark colours made him outstandingly gorgeous. He found his husband staring at him back. He had to hold back a smile.

Taehyung walked towards him and snapped his fingers in front of his face. Jungkook blinked once, then twice and once again. He shook his head.

"Come on or we'll be late, I don't like delays." Taehyung said and checked out his husband once more before walking out, thinking about how all his employees, who don't know how his husband looks, are gonna stare. The thought of it unnerved him.

Jungkook was walking behind Taehyung, looking calm and collected but he was anything but that. Am I dressed neatly? What do I do if his company people don't like me... Not that it matters... But it does!

As if sensing his inner turmoil, Taehyung stopped and turned around to face him. Jungkook, who was lost in his own thoughts, collided with his chest.

"Hmpf." Jungkook rubbed his nose and looked at his husband with an accusing gaze.

"Why did you stop so suddenly?"

"Why are you not paying attention to where you're going?" Taehyung shot back.

Jungkook paused and thought his husband was right. Taehyung took his hand that was rubbing his cute nose and kissed him on the nose.

"Pay attention to your surroundings all the time. Always keep in mind that you have to walk with me, not behind me. You're not my bodyguard nor my servant neither my employee. You're my partner, my equal, my husband. You always stand besides me, that's your spot, only you can stand there, no one else." Taehyung said, seriously but softly.

Jungkook could only nod slightly. Inside however, there were fireworks everywhere. One side of him was shy while the other one was fan-boying over the situation. He stood beside Taehyung, who nodded in approval and both made their way to the car.

The car ride was silent. Only because both the passengers were busy stealing glances at each other. Taehyung couldn't wait to show off his husband.

As they were passing by the shops, Taehyung noticed Jungkook's eyes lightening up when he saw an ice cream stall, but he also noticed the same eyes lose their shine when he saw a homeless child.

How will he react after knowing what the deal is about?

The question kept ringing in his head, he didn't notice that they have already arrived until a hand grabbed his. He turned to look at his husband.

"You okay?"

Taehyung nodded. Jungkook smiled at him encouragingly.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine!"

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