Chapter 44

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"Hyungie, wake up." The soft voice filled Taehyung's ears the first thing in the morning.

The elder lad smiled, knowing his whole day would automatically be the best one he's had yet.

"Morning, my beautiful love." Taehyung whispered in his deep voice, pulling a giggle out of the fluffy human in his arms. A smile made its way on his face at the melody. Today was already better than all the other days, which reminded him-

"Happy Anniversary, dear husband, the love of my life." He wished.

"Happy Anniversary, My lovely husband, my soulmate." Jungkook wished back, pulling the elder in a morning kiss.

Not a second later, Taehyung was on top of him, like a hungry man. Tasting Jungkook the first thing in the morning was ..... Refreshing. He whined when Jungkook pulled away.

"Don't whine. Only one of us can be a child, I have-"

"But you weren't a child when you were whining under me last night." Taehyung replied, receiving a slap on his bare shoulder, a roll of eyes and a faint blush on his husband's face.

"As I was saying, I have an appointment."


"Yes! Today is our anniversary and the yearly mafia meeting, I have to look decent and presentable. I'm going to go and come back as a new man. I have plans for what I'm going to change of myself."

"Sure, love. Everything will happen as you please."

"Yes. Now move."

"Mhm, just a bit more baby." Taehyung said, leaning down and capturing Jungkook's lips in a passionate kiss. The younger didn't have a chance at winning here.

He won't deny his husband.

"Ahh- Hyung, please...can we not do this now?" Jungkook moaned when he felt fingers prodding inside his rim.

Taehyung just looked at him and widened his eyes a bit, his voice suddenly having a soft touch to it.

"Please, baby?"

And Jungkook laid there, in a mess of his own moans and groans as his husband made sweet love to him.

All because he couldn't deny the puppy eyes staring at him.

"Hyung! I can't walk!" Jungkook exclaimed, as he lost his balance while trying to get up from the bed.

"Baby, why did you get up? I was coming to fetch you." Taehyung said rushing to his side.

The elder of the two had just gotten out of shower. Jungkook had fallen asleep after their morning session, being too tired. Taehyung didn't disturb him because he was sure if he did, he won't be permitted to touch him for another month.

Taehyung could hardly keep his hands to himself for an hour, let alone a month.

"It's okay, bun. We'll apply some medicine, you'll be fine by evening. If not, I'll go get the medicines from the store myself for instant recovery." ( A/n:Let's pretend such medicines exist, because I said so.)

"But what about my appointment? I'm not going to miss it just because you wrecked me this morning." Jungkook glared at Taehyung, who was close to sweating.

"I'll drive you there, love. In fact we can go on a date today how does that sound?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jungkook, whose eyes lit up at the mention of date.

"Yes! A date! That's what we need after you've been working so hard so we could have our special day." Jungkook said softly, staring at his husband's side profile.

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