Chapter 10

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A/n : A slightly torturous scene will be included in this chapter. The start and end of torture scene will be indicated by ⚠️.

When Jungkook entered the mansion, it was silent. He looked here and there to see if anyone was home or not. He almost jumped out of his skin when a maid addressed him.

"Master. You're home."


"Master Kim is in a meeting in the meeting room on the second floor. Master has asked you to fresh up and rest."

Jungkook sighed. He nodded and headed towards his room. While in shower he only thought if his husband was deliberately avoiding him and did not want to deal with him. Jungkook thought about the progress they both had made over the past months after their marriage. The small touches, the secret smiles and unknown feelings. His mind going back to the kiss they shared this morning. He did not want to lose all those things. He did not want to go back to square 1. Jungkook came out of the shower and decided to face his husband. He couldn't let their progress go in vain.

If he is angry then I'll let him take it out on me. It's better if he doesn't carry it forward. I don't wanna go back to how we were just because I couldn't face my husband.

As Jungkook made his way to the meeting room, he grew more and more nervous. He did not know how his husband will act or even talk to him. But he needed to apologise for his failure. He can't afford his husband being mad at him for a long period. The thought itself made him want to cry.

He reached the room and entered without knocking. Everyone in the room turned to look at him. That was when he realised that he did not knock. He looked in his husband's direction to see the familiar cold expression present on his face. When his husband turns and looks at him, he keeps his eyes on him and shouts.

"Get out!"

Jungkook almost let his tears drop then and there. His husband really must hate him right now for failing the mission. He bit his lips as to not make any noise and was about to turn around when suddenly all the people in the meeting room stood up. He looked at them in confusion, but one by one all the people walked past him, not daring to look at him. The last person to go out closed the door behind them.

Before Jungkook could process anything his husband called him.

"Come here." Taehyung said, in a soft voice.

Jungkook did as told and walked towards his husband. Barely able to hold his tears as he stood before him. Taehyung pulled his hand and Jungkook was on his husband's lap in the next moment. That's when he let go and started crying.

"I-im sorry, I i-interru-ppted the m-meeting, I-I j-just.." Jungkook kept saying incoherent apologies to his husband. Taehyung shifted Jungkook a bit do he was straddling him and hugged him, tucking Jungkook's head in his neck while letting his husband cry.

"Love, you never apologise for coming to your husband when in distress." Taehyung said.

Jungkook looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Y-you're not mad at me?"

"Mad at you? For what love?"

The new nickname was making Jungkook feel comfortable but he was still scared.

"B-because I failed the mission."

"No. Why would you think that?"

"Because t-the dagger w-was really pretty and I thought y -you wanted it." Jungkook confessed, while sniffing cutely. Taehyung almost cooed at how cute his husband looked.

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