Chapter 43

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Taehyung drove through the gates of his home, sighing in content because he will finally be able to cuddle his baby Koo.

The meeting had went on smoothly, no disturbances, both his company and Divine corporations got along really well, so no arguments either. The day had been better than he thought and he also had dinner which he had notified Jungkook about beforehand so the latter would not wait for him. All that was left to do was meet his husband and sleep soundly so he would be fully functional for the next day.

Their Anniversary!

He stepped out of the car with his suitcase and walked to the door of their house, opening it and the aroma of something sweet filled his nostrils. His curiosity got the best of him as he shut the door and followed the fragrance, which lead him to stand outside their bedroom.

He entered the bedroom and was greeted with a dimly lit room and scented candles all around. This had a drastic impact on his mood.

He didn't just want to sleep with his husband anymore.

The thought lead him to wonder where his absolutely naughty husband was. But the question itself was answered when two arms greeted him in a back hug, a pair of soft, plump lips kissing their way up from his neck to behind his ear and the seductive but elegant voice of his husband reached his ears.

"Welcome home, Master."

And how Taehyung shivered in excitement.

The suitcase was taken from his hands by his husband and kept beside the table. Taehyung turned around to face him and his breath hitched at the sight.

Jungkook was wearing only an oversized see-through shirt, the light blue colour suiting his fair skin perfectly. The shirt reached his thighs, his undergarments were visible due to the shirt being see-through.

"You look absolutely delicious." Taehyung whispered.

A hand cupped Taehyung's cheek and his eyes met Jungkook's doe ones. It was absolutely unbelievable how the outfit made him the sexiest person alive but his doe eyes gave him that look of innocence. It was enough for Taehyung to get a boner. He wanted to ruin that innocence.

"I hope you like your early anniversary present." Jungkook whispered and kissed Taehyung, who closed his eyes when the taste of his husband's lips reached his tongue. The alluring taste that could only be found on Jungkook's lips and nowhere else.

His hands travelled to Jungkook's ass, pulling him closer. The split second of friction had Jungkook moaning in his mouth. Taehyung pulled back and kissed Jungkook's neck, going lower and lower to the junction between his neck and shoulder, slipping off the shirt to a side just to suck on his skin.

"M-master, I have p-prepared the bath for y-you." Jungkook stuttered out as he bit his lower lip.

"Is that so, pet?" Taehyung asked, going back to sucking on Jungkook's neck.

"Y-yes. I..I'll give y-you a bath t-today." Jungkook replied and Taehyung pulled back from his neck after sucking three red spots on him.

"C'mon then. Lead the way." Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded and took his hand, leading him towards the bathroom. Taehyung was surprised to find the same seductive atmosphere in the bathroom. Their huge bathtub was surrounded with candles and a bowl of strawberries was present at the edge of it.

Taehyung smirked at his tiny husband who stood before him with his head bowed, his long fringes covering his face.

"I'm really liking the gift so far, pet."

Jungkook's head snapped towards him with a wide smile present on his face.


Taehyung chuckled.

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