Chapter 6

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"Come in."

The door opened, revealing Taehyung.

"Oh hey!" Jungkook greeted as he placed the book he was currently reading on the nightstand.

"Why are you here? Not that I don't want you here, I'm just wondering."

"I wanted to talk to you."


At that, Taehyung cleared his throat.

"You are a heist planner right. So I was wondering if you to plan a heist for me."


"Plan a heist for me. I mean..if you're interested. If not I'll just leave."

"Wait wait wait wait." Jungkook ran and caught his wrist.


"I ... I would love to. Plan a heist for you, I mean."


"Yes, of course, I love doing it. But I'll do it on one condition though."

"What is it ?" Taehyung asked, thinking it couldn't be anything that he can't provide, does anything that he can't provide even exist-

"I want to be a part of the heist."

"But you are...?" Taehyung said, confused.

"No, I meant physically, I want to go and steal whatever it is that you want."


"Pretty please." Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung with his big innocent eyes and a slight pout, then added sassily. "Weren't you the one who said my needs are you priorities?" He raised an eyebrow.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, his expression unchanging, but his thoughts all over. I did not know he can use my words against me like that.
He narrowed his eyes at Jungkook. It was like he was eating his own words if he didn't let Jungkook have his way. But... Jungkook's safety was important to him. He couldn't let him just go like that on a mission.

After their marriage, they both had been close, close enough to worry about each other even if they didn't show it. They couldn't admit it to themselves but they cared about each other. Sending Jungkook like that, without him being there, no...No he can't take that risk.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"But why??!"

"Too risky."


"Jungkook, a no is a no."

"What the hell!? I want to do this. All I've done since after marriage is sit at home. I want to enjoy too, heists bring me joy and you are taking it away from me. I'll have you know that I have carried out enough heists and I'm way too experienced than all your men combined. If something goes wrong it's on me. Not like you will care if something happened to me anyway-"

Jungkook was suddenly pushed against the wall, two hands holding his arms besides his head. Taehyung's warm breath caressed his face.

"Who said that, huh? Who said I would not care huh? Do you have any idea about what you are saying? Don't go and assume things like that."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with wide eyes. He could see the annoyance his words had caused his husband. He could see the worry, the care, the nervousness.

"B-but you said, you said that it's your duty. Yeah, you said that once. You are doing this only because it's your duty isn't it." Jungkook pushed Taehyung away and tried to walk away, only to have Taehyung pull him back and wrap his arms around his waist in a back hug. He tried to struggle but the grip around him tightened. Taehyung whispered in his ear.


Jungkook froze. He couldn't move. The endearment was too much for him. He was melting inside. His husband was doing things to him he couldn't explain. He was finally getting the attention he wanted.

"Baby." Taehyung called again. He was loving it. Having his husband pressed against him, he felt good, really good. Taehyung did not mind if this happened often.

"I don't think that you are incapable. You far more capable, of course."

Feather light kisses were pressed on Jungkook's neck. He tilted his head to give more space. Taehyung appreciated the action by kissing on the spot between his neck and shoulder, that action almost made Jungkook moan. He continued talking.

"It is just that I worry. The distance between us has taught me to take care of you while being apart. But that does not mean I care for you only a little. I do care, alot more than you know. I cannot put you in any danger, it will take a toll on me if something happened to you."

He turned Jungkook around and pulled him flush against his body, pressing their foreheads together.

"I want to work this out with you. You are not just a duty, you are a part of my life. Your wishes are my priorities but your safety is my need. You are my husband, caring for you and keeping you safe will always be my priority."

"I understand, but you do know that I love heists right?" Jungkook answered Taehyung. "You know it makes me happy. Please, let me do it. I want to. I promise I'll keep myself safe. I've been doing this for years I know what to do. I'll retreat immediately if something goes wrong. Please?" Jungkook requested, as he brought his hands to caress his husband's face, looking deep in eyes.

Taehyung could see that heists made his husband happy. He was conflicted between keeping Jungkook happy and keeping him safe. But the confidence in his husband's eyes told him not to worry. He will be monitoring the heist anyway.. he'll make sure his husband is safe. With that thought, he sighed.

"Okay, you can."

The smile Taehyung received took his breath away, he was tempted to kiss those lovely lips. To ruin them as he pleased. The desire was visible in his eyes and noticed by his husband. Just as they were leaning in, a knock interrupted them.

"Sir, the team has arrived we are waiting for you in your office downstairs." The bodyguard interrupted. Taehyung never had the urge to fire someone, not this intensely. His irritated face had Jungkook giggling. Taehyung just huffed and dropped his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I ?" Taehyung asked, his mind floating back to the sweet but hot moments they shared.

"Don't you think it's a bit late to ask that?"

"I mean...yeah you're right, it is, I shouldn't just touch you like this without permission-"

"NO...I-I mean it's c-completely fine. I don't''s quite comfortable, having you close."

Taehyung was relieved to hear that . At least I don't need to suffer the desperate need to touch him, because I can now. His skin is so soft and smooth and I could probably just leave some marks-

" Don't you want to go for a meeting, they are waiting downstairs." Jungkook reminded, pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, actually they are the team I planned for the heist. If you want you can join in and maybe see who can do what work."

"Really? Are you serious?"


Jungkook, unexpectedly, hugged Taehyung, who was shocked. A small smile slowly formed on his face as he wrapped his arms around his husband.

Maybe, this is what I need in my life, he is the one that I need. It's a not like I can resist him anyways. Trying did not turn out so bad after all.

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