Chapter 41

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After giving Mingyu the love advice, which blew the Junior's mind away, he proceeded to walk towards his husband. Jungkook saw him coming and smirked.

"Hello there, Mr. Kim." Jungkook greeted, still dancing and swinging his hips. Taehyung silently watched him. Jungkook moved closer to Taehyung, practically pressing their bodies together and lifting Taehyung's hands to his hips, wrapping his own around his neck. Taehyung pulled him closer.

"Are you drunk?" He asked, his voice deep and a hint of annoyance present in it from event that took place earlier.

"No. I didn't drink alcohol. Just a soft drink." Jungkook replied and frowned as he picked the annoyance in his husband's voice.

"What's wrong?"

Taehyung shook his head. Jungkook stopped dancing, his hands still around Taehyung's neck.

"Tell me."

"Just some annoying pricks trying to put a price tag on you. Showed them exactly where they belong but can't get the fact that they stalked you long enough to decide they want you out of my mind."

"Who?" Jungkook asked, looking around. Taehyung tilted his chin towards himself.

"No one. I sent them away." He reassured him. Jungkook smiled and pecked his cheek.

"My hero." He giggled. Taehyung smiled.

"Not mad at me anymore?"

Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung's hands slipped inside his shirt to caress his warm skin.

"I am though." He whispered to Jungkook, squeezing his waist.

"How dare you dance like that in front of these people. The only person you should dance for like that is me. You've made daddy very mad, baby boy."

Jungkook shivered at being addressed like that.

"Guess I should teach you how to be a good boy, hm?" Taehyung said, retrieving his hands from Jungkook's waist and grabbing his wrist, dragging him to a dark aisle which seemingly led to a small space.

When Mingyu saw what was happening, he smirked.

"Someone is in trouble." He said to himself and gestured two bodyguards to come over. He pointed at the aisle where Jungkook and Taehyung had disappeared.

"Don't let anyone go there. Stand at a 10 meter distance from it. Tell anyone who approaches that it's off limits." He commanded, his tone had changed from the sweet junior to the gangster he was.

"Mingyu." A voice behind him called. He turned around and smiled at the person.

"Hobi sunbae! You're here. I thought you wouldn't come." Mingyu said. Hobi laughed.

"I was just a little lost while coming here. Wouldn't want to miss my lovely junior's birthday party." Hobi smiled his sunshine smile at Mingyu, whose heart skipped a beat.

Lovely. Seems like I still have a crush on you sunbae.

Mingyu thought as he heard hobi rambling about why it took so much time for him to arrive. He happily listened to his sunbae. He would never complain when Hobi was talking. He could listen to him for hours. Just like he did when he was his junior in college. His heart still skipped a beat when Hobi smiled at him. And maybe, just maybe,

Hobi was a little too happy to see Mingyu too.

Jungkook gasped as Taehyung pulled him towards the dark aisle.

His husband wanted to do it here?

The thought made Jungkook nervous as well as excited. Too lost in his thoughts, he squealed when his husband suddenly picked him up and pushed him against the wall, hands under his thighs, squeezing them tight.

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