Chapter 4

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They knew they had to try to make their marriage work.

They weren't trying.

It had been 2 months since they were tied together. None of them took the initiative to start the conversation. Taehyung was barely home and Jungkook was always at home. It was boring for Jungkook. He wanted-no- he needed attention. He did not know how or why but he just wanted his husband's attention.

He sighed.

'I haven't even done a heist in months, that's the only thing I love to do.'


Jungkook smirked.

'Oh dear husband, I know how to get your attention now. Hehe I'm so smart.'


Taehyung was sitting in his office, doing absolutely nothing. He had decided to be stubborn and treat his husband like a roommate. The air in the house was thick. Both of them hadn't spoken to each other after their wedding. Acting like the other doesn't exist. He knew that someday they had to talk but he didn't want to be the one to start it. After all he wasn't exactly good with words, considering he hardly spoke.

He was lost in his thoughts when his phone vibrated.

2 billion dollors withdrawn from your account no. 3112XXXXXXX.

He looked at his phone in disbelief. He shot from his chair and out of the office his guards following him.

"Call J-Hope." He ordered one of the guards.

Within seconds the phone was handed to him with J-Hope on the line .


"Hobi hyung."

"Taehyung, What's up man."

"Someone hacked in my account and stole 2 million dollors. I want his information where he is, who he is, his current location and Phone number, everything about him."

"Wait, wait, wait. Someone hacked into your account, How the fuck is that even possible. I myself have set up all the securities.."

"Mhm, which is why I need you to find out who he is, Text me the address, I'll deal with him myself. "

"Okay boss, on it."

They ended the call.

Taehyung didn't know what to feel. He was angry, but also surprised and impressed. He had never come accross someone more intelligent than Hobi Hyung in the field of hacking, this guy was something else. Nevertheless, he stole from the wrong person. Taehyung had to deal with him.

His phone vibrated and it was text from Hobi hyung.

J-Hope : Taehyung, man the guy was real careful while stealing, NGL I found it difficult to track him down but this is his current location.

Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes.
It was the location of his house, that would only mean...



He sped the car towards his home.


Taehyung reached home within ten minutes and climbed up the stairs to Jungkook's room. Taehyung did not know how to believe this. His husband had stole from him.

Was he planning to run away.

But why would he, he wouldn't hurt his parents like that.

Jungkook, you're full of Surprises.

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