Chapter 11

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"Why did you stop me?"

Was Taehyung's first question after Jungkook entered the office. Though Jungkook was expecting the question he didn't really know how to answer.

"I just.. I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Yeah I ... Don't know but.. I wasn't trying to save him ..."


Jungkook just looked at his husband, waiting for him to say something, but he didn't. So he did the only thing that he could think of. He walked and stood behind his husband, wrapped his arms around his husband's waist and dropped his chin on his shoulder .

"I'm sorry."

"Why apologise when there's nothing wrong?"

Taehyung never failed to surprise Jungkook. His husband's words succeeded to take him by surprise even now. So his assumption of his husband being mad at him was wrong.

" I thought you didn't like that I stopped you."

"I didn't."

"Then... You still aren't mad at me?"



"It's what you wanted. What you want is what you get. No questions asked."

Jungkook had this weird feeling in his stomach, he couldn't name it, but it wasn't bad. Taehyung continued.

"I'm frustrated at the fact that I couldn't even kill him on my own. But his punishment is in order, the more he suffers the more happy I am. Hence I sent him to eomma, he'll know what to do. That worthless piece of Shit had the audacity to even stand close to you. That fact alone makes me livid. Which is why I walked out so I could stop myself from killing him. Still frustrated and angry though."

There again goes Jungkook's stomach, doing flip flops. Taehyung's words made him feel so... protected.

Taehyung turned around in his arms and took his face in his hands, scanning it for any other marks that bastard might've caused his husband. When he found none, he took the hand that was bruised and checked it.

"You know, this mark makes me want to crack all the bones in his hands after pulling out his nails."

Jungkook's eyes widened at that.


"There is no trace of my mark on your body yet, but he managed to get his on you."

"I'm sure it will fade soon."

"But it is here right now, it is tempting me to.."

"To what?"

"Mark you."

"Then what's stopping you?"

Turns out that was the only thing Taehyung needed to hear because before Jungkook could blink, he was pushed to the window and there was a hungry set of lips on his. He submitted. Taehyung's lips made him feel like he was on cloud nine. His hands travelled to Taehyung's hair, holding it tight and massaging his scalp. Their bodies pressed together, not an inch of space in between. Taehyung's hands made their way to Jungkook's waist and slipped inside his shirt. Warm hands greeted Jungkook's waist and he moaned. Taehyung's hands tightened around his waist, promising to leave their imprints.

Taehyung again squeezed his waist, enjoying the feel of his husband's skin against his hands. The action made Jungkook gasp and he slipped his tongue in the warm mouth. Their tongues met in a messy battle. Jungkook tried to wrap his tongue around Taehyung's in order to taste more of his husband. But the moment he caught it, Taehyung slipped his hands from his waist to his bottom and gave it a hard squeeze. That was all it took for Jungkook to let of his husband's tongue.

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