The Enchantress

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"Adam, please get a grip!"

It had been weeks since Circe's appearance and Adam was on the verge of madness, thanks to the visit of the being who had cursed him.

The words of the Enchantress went back and forth in his head.


"His fruit will bring an end to his reign. From where least expected will come happiness and discord. This world of yours has changed because of your tale, but it will be a story even stronger than yours that will make you regret ever wanting to separate the world."

After throwing out all these words, which to the king's despair were in a language he didn't know, Circe simply disappeared before his eyes and before the guards' eyes.


"I can't do it Belle." He was frustrated, frightened and nervous. "It seems like any minute now everything she said will come true."

"Fairy Godmother is already worrying about it, being desperate won't help you at all."

Belle tried to calm him down, but although the beast was gone, but the nerves were still there.

"What do you think it is?"

"I have no idea, so I let Fairy Godmother think about it."

"The last time she said anything to me, I spent twenty-one years as a beast."

"Well, I don't see any horns on you."

"Seriously Belle, Circe is not a game woman."

"Adam, she is not a bad woman, as far as I know, you were only bewitched because you were rude to her. And if you think about it, at the end of the story it was good, right? I'm here, aren't I? Her prophecies are not bad."


Weeks before, Unknown Place

Since she tentatively did not have a home, she decided to go to an old friend's house.


She called out, not knowing if her witch friend was there.

"Circe? Circe!"

He ran to hug her.

Cedric was a young wizard just over a hundred years old. He had recently ceased to be an apprentice. He was not known for his stories, although he knew them all. He lived in a place isolated from the world, whether it was the year 1900 or 2050, he didn't know and it didn't matter.

Cedric was not important like Fairy Godmother to Cinderella or Merryweather and her sisters to Aurora, yet he was of fundamental importance to that kingdom. He held in his hands the most important book in the world.

The Book of Fairy Tales, in which are contained all the stories and how they are interconnected. Only a few people are allowed to know of its existence. Everything that once happened was in there, how Maleficent became evil, who Gothel was, and how all the true loves happened, all contained in the same magical place.

However, it hadn't been written about for years. The last story had been Rapunzel's, and Cedric had convinced himself, that his current mission was just to stay there and take care of the old object. That is, until this morning.

On the morning of this day

He prepared his coffee and went to the armchair to read one of his spell books, but was surprised by a strong gale that blew into the house.

"Quiet Felix!" He yelled at the cat, which began to meow and pull with its claws at anything that could get stuck. The strange wind became stronger and stronger to the point that the windows began to open and close by themselves. Cedric also tried to grab hold of something, before it flew away with the loose leaves on the table. "My God, what is that, Felix?" And just as he was beginning to think he was witnessing the apocalypse, everything quieted down again and a book fell off the bookshelf making a loud noise. "Is it?" he was afraid to know if it could be what his eyes hadn't seen for so long. He didn't even have to pick it up from the floor. The book magically landed on his desk and opened by itself.

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