Need for Time

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Cedric walked through the Enchanted Forest with the widest smile he had. He liked being among the trees and the silence he had there, even more so after reading the most beautiful of chapters.

What the guardian did not expect to find was one of the characters in the story.

"Ben? "He called out to the prince who was sitting by one of the trees. "What are you doing here?"

The forest was a place frequented by almost no one, and after what he saw he imagined that the next page would not be the prince sitting in the dark with an unhappy face.

"Cedric? Hi."

The man had been stuck in his thoughts alone for ages Seeing the librarian there would be scary, if what he just did wasn't already.


Three hours ago

Doug came to pick Ben up some time after dropping the girls back home. As soon as he stepped foot in the castle his head exploded for good.

"Ben, what's up?"

Belle came to ask as she saw her son come in and go straight to his room without even greeting her

"Everything's fine mom, I'm just tired."

He gave his mother a fake smile before going to bed.

"I know, and tired of what exactly?"


"Ben, you know you're not good at lying."

Everyone who knew Ben knew this curiosity about him.

"I'm serious mom, I'm just tired."

He tried to shake off her questions and turned to the other side of the bed.

"Your father says you are doing well in the meetings with the ministers and advisors."

"I'm glad he thinks so."

"And what do you think?"

"Right now, at this moment, I don't know and I don't think anything."

He sat back down and looked at her, telling her the truth

"You don't need to know anything at this very moment, just admit you're not well."

"Okay, I may not be very well."

He certainly wasn't well, but this wasn't just the fault of government life.

"Take a day off, stay home and I'll tell Fairy Godmother and your father that you are unwell."

"Thanks mom."

Belle kissed his forehead and walked off leaving him alone, for whatever the argument was, he needed to be alone.

Obviously, he didn't sleep. His long thoughts would not allow it.

Now at home, with all the prince's commitments coming to the surface, he realized that other things were also returning to his brain, indeed, person. Audrey. His girlfriend. The girl he had been in a relationship with for years and had cheated on yesterday with a girl he barely knew. He didn't know how to look at her or even talk to her. Why had he done this?

His mother was right. He needed a break. He needed a break. A break from everyone.

"Audrey, I've been trying to call you for hours and you don't answer. I didn't want to do this by text, but I can't look at you, at least not right now. I need some time. I hope you understand that."

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