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A Time Before

Circe never imagined she would see Cedric standing in her doorway at her home in Neverland, never thought her "sister" would break free from the prison of mirrors either, and never in thousands of years dreamed she would have to face her.

It was imaginable that she was with magic still, but as far as they knew it wasn't that much. However, who better to fight her than Circe?

"Good to see you Circe."

Ruby's voice might have been sweet, but when Circe heard her, a fear arose.

"Hi Ruby." She looked no different from decades ago. She looked exactly the same. "You haven't changed much."

"Prison of the mirrors helps keep you young. So, how are you? Before you ask Martha and Lucinda are still there, the potion wasn't enough for the three of us."

"Ruby I..."

"No, better not finish. Circe, I give you two options. Ally with me and together we change my fate and the fate of our family, or you will regret leaving your little house in Neverland." The choice seemed obvious. "Circe, I know you never dreamed of being known only as the Witch, that you always wanted to be a normal person and have a normal life, get married, have children and maybe even teach magic. Who turned you into this horrible witch who throws prophecies at people was the Book and we can change that."

Circe had several doubts, but now she had to make a decision. Fight, save her friends and the world, or try to have the life she dreamed of.

"I can't."

She couldn't deny it, even though it was the right thing there was a hint of sadness that that was the right thing.

"It's a shame. I really did consider you as a daughter."



"What did she do to you?"

Rashid wasted no time in picking up the bruised witch on his lap and carrying her into the hut.

When Circe reached the hiding place, her body was bruised, there was blood covering the right side of her face and from the way her arm was, it might have been broken.

"Let me take care of her."

Merlin took the lead and went to see to the girl's treatment.

While the mage was doing this Cedric, Mal and Ben watched their greatest hope of destroying Ruby cry out in pain. The guardian said nothing, but everyone was able to read his look of fear.

"Circe, can you tell what happened?"

Cedric asked.

"She has Martha's magic too." She said feeling all the pain of her magic. "No can do, Ruby knows too many spells and has too much magic. She's obsessed with changing her destiny and wants the Book to do it."

"In other words, we're screwed."

"Maybe not. There's someone who knows my sisters' magic and also has very powerful magic. Maleficent.

"My mother?" Mal's eyes widened trying to connect the name to the person. "I'm sorry, but I don't think my mother is going to want to help the good guys."

"Mal, you don't know the whole story of your mother." Circe said letting Merlin clean his wounds. "Maleficent knew Ruby and her sisters, they lived together for a while. They helped Maleficent a lot and I know she knows some way to end my sister."

Mal didn't like that. She didn't like secrets and even less liked not knowing about her mother's past.

"Okay, convince the mistress of evil to help us. Easy

Rashid commented.

"Merlin wait." Circe asked. "They need to protect the people of their kingdom, Ben, Ruby wants the book and will scour all the kingdom for it."

"While she does that, Auradon will pay."

Ben concluded angrily.

"We'll work something out."

Mal said and entwined her hand in his.

If he wasn't so afraid Cedric would be happy.

"So, do we have a plan?"

"Can you take me to Maleficent?"

Circe asked

"Sure, she's stuck on the Isle of the Lost and only Rashid gets in there."

Cedric commented.

"What about the rest of us?"

Mal asked.

"We have to hide you guys. Ruby knows about you guys and let's just say finishing with the two of you is her plan B."

"We can't hide, my kingdom will be destroyed and my family?"

"Cedric go with them and bring the royal family. I will make a protection spell that will give for most of the people."

Merlin said knowing that hiding Ben and Mal was not a good choice.



"You know, I warned the girls that you were not and could not be like our sister." Ruby said after managing to hurt Circe harder. "But after you bewitched your idiot boyfriend and turned him into a beast, we really believed you could change, even after you said you wanted true love. However, guess what you did? You gave him a true love."


Circe should have thought more before she came and faced her

"No, let me do the talking. Something tells me you know about the Book and better know who the chosen ones are." The woman showed the old page of the book she had kept since she found it. "He I found out who is, guess who? Son of the man who destroyed your life. Curious, isn't it? The perfect prince, son of the selfish prince who ruined your dreams. His name is Benjamin and he's a handsome prince, I've been watching him."

"What do you want Ruby?"

"The Book, and I know it's no coincidence that the book put the Beast's son as the main character."

"How do you know he's main?"

"Now I know." Circe couldn't move her body. She should have thought Ruby would have more magic than she did. "You want to hear a story little sister? Well, the fun of being locked in a mirror prison is that you have access to all the mirrors and one day I happened to overhear the conversation of a god who was vain and selfish enough to talk about how amazing he was for bringing a book couple from Fairy Tales together. In front of the mirror Eros was humming happily about a beautiful couple who had a very powerful true love. At that moment I knew that the Book was back and I had a chance."

"What do you want Ruby?"

"Understand my little sister. I need the book and I also need to destroy this couple, because they are the foundation of the book, understand?"

"You want to destroy them?"

"I need it and you're going to help me."

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