Some Answers from Dreams

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The future king of Auradon spent the rest of that day reading everything in literature about dreams. Of all that he read, the one that most caught his attention was Morpheus, god of dreams. According to the story, he was the son of Hypnos, god of sleep, and all good dreams came from him. During people's sleep, Morpheus would take the form of his beloved and this obviously made the humans happy.

The boy's mind raised several theories about this. Could that dream be just a fantasy? However, he did not know Mal and she was not a loved one, he might love her, but he needed to know her more deeply. Ben was quite skeptical about magic in his kingdom, in his mind it had once existed, thanks to that his mother, father and everyone else were together, but this was over and, in his understanding, all that had passed and what they experienced now was the purest reality.

When the sun went down, he found himself apprehensive to take the potion and go find Mal. He got out of bed more than once and went to the balcony to see the Isle. Did she want to see him? Was she in this state as well?


Isle Of the Lost

The day passed as smoothly as she had expected. She and Jay mugged people and then found Evie and Carlos, the four of them would make a good gang.

Of course, her mother showed up and gave a lovely lecture about how Mal was a waste and not mean like her, however even that wasn't enough to break her mood, because the day had been good alongside her friends.

"Shall we meet tomorrow?"

Carlos asked, wanting to meet them again.

"That's fine."

"Jay and I have a hideout if you guys want to stop by."

Mal invited. Her doing that scared Jay.

"That would be cool."

Evie agreed happily with the proposal.

"So, bye."


Like a group of friends just starting to get to know each other they were walking down the crooked streets, and like four sons of villains who barely knew love they were going home with a slightly spark of very good feeling in their hearts.

It was when she returned home and went into her room that Mal remembered the prince. It was night and they had talked about meeting again. Funny how even in thought it was still strange. She was quick enough to take off all those leather clothes, the muddy boots, and put on another purple but more comfortable outfit and go to bed.

"Are you going to bed already?"

Her mother asked and startled her daughter, who was almost asleep.

"Yes, it has been a busy day and I want to rest."

"Tiring? Stealing along with those villainous projects was tiring?" Mal was not one to verbally bicker with Maleficent, out of laziness and even fear. "I want you to do a favor for me tomorrow."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to take something of mine that is with Yen Sid."

"Something of hers" was not hers, it was the witch sent from Auradon. It wasn't hers, but she could take it, in fact she would send Mal for it.

" Okay, I'll go tomorrow, can I sleep now?"

Maleficent could be anything, but being responsible and taking care of Mal was not on her list.

The young girl closed her eyes as soon as her mother left and it didn't take long to finally sleep.


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