Succession of bad moments

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United States of Auradon

The room was completely blacked out, the only light was coming from the lamps that were on, and maybe no one could see the man, but he was standing there, staring at the door, waiting for it to open. He had his hands in his pockets and was in an indescribable rage.

Ben parked the motorcycle anyway, ran through the garden and he may not have seen his father as a beast, but from the drawings he saw, it didn't look much different from what he saw now.

He went to Auradon Prep. but the messenger at the door warned him that the king wanted to see him immediately. It was not so hard to think that he knew about the Island.

"Dad, why are you awake at this hour?"

Benjamin asked not wanting to hear the answer

"Where were you so late at night?" His tone might have been calm, yet his heartbeat was uncompensated. "I called the school and when they went to your room, you weren't there and I know Fairy Godmother is pretty strict about curfew, so I'll ask again. Where were you?"

"Dad I ..."

"Where were you?"

Adam again stressed the question

"I went to see a girl."

"Where? Because as far as your mother and I knew your girlfriend was Audrey and she is sleeping in her pink room in Auradon Prep. quietly."

"If you know where I was why don't you just say so?"

Ben argued against it, since it was obvious that Adam knew where he was.

"I want to hear it from you. I want you to look me in the face and say it, Ben!" He didn't want to scream so as not to wake Belle, but there was still an animal inside him. "I want you to look me in the face and say you have been irresponsible and immature."

"I may have been irresponsible, but I am not immature."

"You have opened the barrier Ben, inconsequential you have put the lives of your people in danger. Tell me how that is not immature?" Ben was silent. "Do you know how many times I have looked on the cameras in our house, the school, the Port and all the others where you appear? For weeks now, you've been acting like this, like an irresponsible, immature teenager."

"Ok dad you are right, I didn't think about the people, because for the first time I thought about me and only me. Maybe that's wrong, but it didn't hurt anyone."

"By luck, Ben! Lucky! And all this because of a girl? A lost girl? What happened to everything you've learned?"

"What do you want me to say? Yes, it was for a girl. Yes, I didn't think of Auradon. And maybe I am not the son or the king you want."

"Things don't work out like that Benjamin!"

"What do you want from me? Punishment? Okay, you want to send me to the Island? Fine, suspend the coronation? I don't care. What I won't do is apologize for going to the Island and all the rest."

"Go up to your room, I need to think."

Ben went upstairs and when he was already upstairs, he heard something glass shatter into a thousand little pieces.


Adam had been up all-night thinking. What Ben had done broke more than one law and if anyone knew, anyone but him, Ben would be out of the succession to the throne or he could be considered a traitor to the kingdom and be sent to the Island and the boy might want that, however he was still a father and would not let such a thing happen to his son.

For more of this thought, there remained one doubt that hammered in his head. Why had Circe come to warn him? What would she get out of it?


Unknown place

Looking in her mirror she saw all the mask of the sweet blonde fairy disappear from her face. It took time, she had wanted to get this lie out since the time she left Auradon, but she waited for safety reasons. She needed Adam to believe that she was Circe, and more than that, she needed to separate Ben and Mal. She might not have the Book in hand and not know the story, however she really thought they could be an important part of it.


One week later

United States of Auradon

"You've been removed from the school board, the Tourney, fencing and you haven't been to any meetings for a week. What's going on Ben?"

Audrey, his ex-girlfriend but still friend, asked.

He was sitting on the bleachers. A blue hoodie, disheveled hair, dark circles under his eyes, and the same look on his face since he stopped going to the island.

His father's punishment was expected, nothing that surprised him. He was excused from his duties as a prince, from groups, sports, meetings with any council, and his routine was from school to home. Besides two guards who followed him everywhere, as if he were a child

"I wasn't born for this, Audrey. I wasn't born to rule a people." He confessed to her, who only listened to him, "I have erred now and I know I will always err."

"Why are you saying that? What have you done?"

"I listened to my heart." He wanted to tell her, but if he did that, Phillipe's daughter would probably freak out. "It will pass Audrey, or I think it will, it's just a bad moment."


Isle of the Lost

"It's just a bad moment."

It was being a turbulent time for Mal. She was fine, her daily routine was maintained. Wake up, fight with Maleficent, go out with Jay, go to Dragon Hall and then everyone see each other and go torment the whole Island. Maybe, that was the problem. Ben came along as a break from all that and having him for all that short period of time made her world change, a small part of her didn't want her natural routine to return.

On top of that that was already a huge thing. She was worried, Yen Sid was thick when she came back for more information about who knew about the opening of the barrier and the prince. Which made her worried about him. Alright, he was the king's son, his punishments in theory should be minimal, but she was still uneasy, the lack of news was worse than she thought possible.

"Mal are you there?"

Evie asked the distracted girl.

"Huh? I'm just thinking."

"May I ask what? I know it's none of my business, but you look a lot different these past few days."

"No big deal, come on, we need to catch up with the boys."

She smiled and stopped looking at the barrier.

Worried about him. Alright, he was the king's son, his punishments in theory should be minimal, but she was still uneasy, the lack of news was worse than she thought possible.

"Mal are you there?"

Evie asked the distracted girl.

"Huh? I'm just thinking."

"May I ask what? I know it's none of my business, but you look a lot different these past few days."

"No big deal, come on, we need to catch up with the boys."

She smiled and stopped looking at the barrier.


Cedric's heart ached, he sat down on the first chair he saw and waited for everything to normalize... it was a bad time for everyone.

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