The beast inside me

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To my friend,

As I explained to you before, or at least tried to, Mal possesses the magic of the fairies and the ember of the underworld, the last part she doesn't know yet, besides, there is a prophecy about the girl's life. As you are the king of secrets you must understand that everything I have told you now must be confidential, it is funny to think that a seventeen-year-old girl can provoke a war between gods and humans. I brought her and her friends to Wonderland, I couldn't teach her anything with that barrier. Cedric, in all my years of life I never imagined it would be so difficult to teach someone magic. Mal is still a teenager, she has problems and questions of one, how to turn this girl into a woman with unimaginable strengths?

Ah, my friend, everything is so complicated, I hate to stay here without those insane guys. Everything seems less colorful without The Mad Hatter, Absolem and the others. Ches is here and not here, you know how he is. Anyway, Mal, I have been trying to show her how to see her magic, but this is very difficult when inside that heart there is so much pain and fear. Ben makes her happy and loves her, and her friends also support her, but there are things they can't do. I think I will tell what I know about her mother, is it correct? It might help, right? Maybe understanding how Maleficent became this villain will help her to understand herself.

I have to go, those silly sons of Jafar and Cruella won't stop eating growth cakes. At first I thought it was funny, but now I'm getting worried. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, Belle and Adam are also here, I still can't believe there are so many people in my house. I have no idea where you are, but I miss you. I hope to see you before anything else happens and to quote one of my favorite philosophers, "Nothing was ever accomplished with tears."

Rashid Decantes.

The creature of Wonder finished writing and put the letter in the magic mailbox, thanks to Ches and the White Queen the box could send letters to anyone in the world, even if you didn't know where that someone was.

"Okay, just hit that tree." Rashid said to Mal after making sure his mail was gone from the box. He might not have known where Cedric was, but he knew that the writings reached him. "Remember, breathe, concentrate, and fire." For the fifth time that morning he spoke to Mal, who did everything as he said. However, when she went to cast the spell all she saw was smoke coming out of her hands.

"Wow! Go Mal!"

Evie encouraged her friend and clapped her hands together excitedly.

"What are you clapping your hands for?"

Carlos asked, not understanding her excitement.

"Yeah, if she does that with Maleficent, we're going up in smoke."

Jay agreed with Carlos.

"That was the best one yet."

Belle commented, sipping delicious tea. Once everything was back to normal she was sure to import the teas from the March Hare.

"Yeah." Ben agreed, seeing how frustrated his girlfriend looked. "But, I guess Rashid and her don't think so positively."

"All right, a break and then we'll continue."

Rashid asked and went to walk through the flower garden.

"Calm down, it'll work out." Ben went over to her and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Let's have some tea."

"No Ben, I don't want tea I... I don't want anything."

Feeling deeply frustrated she walked out into the Underland Gardens. How to explain a person who has a lot of magic, but can't bring it out? It was hard to explain, to comprehend, or to find a solution. Rashid imagined that Mal would be like a volcano erupting. He imagined that as soon as he brought her into the world of magic she would explode with her powers. But all he saw was glowing eyes and green smoke.

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