Scarred by golden scratches

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Lucinda, Martha and Ruby. The triplets, beautiful and identical. Before any classic tale was written they already existed. Obviously, they did not know that Snow White was an enchanted princess, ok, princess, yes, because her father was a king, but not the enchantment part. They knew all the spells except for the one in the Book of Fairy Tales, but this changed a long time ago and it was just when they learned of its existence that everything went wrong. If only they could have caught it when they had the chance.

Probably no one had ever heard of the trio of sisters, but they had always been there. They were known to Ursula, they knew well the family history between her and Triton, and they made the most dangerous deal with her. They knew Gothel from her youth and followed all the woman's suffering with her sisters. Evil Queen, they saw the evil part coming, even gave her a book to leverage the evilness of the sweet queen and if they ever felt any kind of regret, it was that they gave her the magic mirror, which in the future would condemn them to the worst of prisons. And about the worst villain of all time, they were her inspiration, Maleficent met Lucinda Martha and Ruby and all three got to know Maleficent and her lovely mother well. However, having met who would be the most feared for years brought one of the most serious wounds in their hearts.

On the day when consumed by rage Maleficent destroyed Fairyland, she also took the life of the witches' younger sister, the lovely Circe. However, what magic can't in an Enchanted World? In a good while a new sister came to life, a new Circe. This new sister seemed as good as they were with magic, so good that she turned her obnoxious boyfriend into a beast, and of course, again the trio was together and supportive. What they didn't expect was that she would go back on the spell and allow him to change if he learned to love. The hatred they felt for Adam almost prevented his union with Belle, but again Circe's kind heart cried out loudly and she helped the two of them come together.

It wasn't hard to figure out the reason such kindness was exuding from Circe, the girl was living with Maleficent's adoptive mother, who after her daughter's permanent departure, cared for Circe and tried to guide her in a good path, as she cannot do with her sweet Maleficent.

As disappointing as finding out that the girl was just a fake copy of her dead sister is finding out that her sisters, were almost her mother and that she was nothing more than someone else's memories. Circe has yet to discover a bigger lie in her life. Looking into the eyes of her sisters/mothers and seeing that the best thing for the kingdom was their disappearance was a terrible conclusion. Her heart broke in two when, sweet Circe locked them in the prison of mirrors, believing that the three sisters would never leave...


"How is everything? Auradon right?"

Circe asked Cedric as they walked over to Merlin

"Yeah, well your sister destroyed almost everything, but Adam is still the king and the villains are still stuck on an Island in the middle of the ocean.

"That's ridiculous."

"You think so?"

Mal interrupted wanting to know the witch's opinion.

"I think it's cruel to imprison people as if they were wild animals. Like it or not they are human, some at least."


Rashid saw her from afar and hugged her tight

"Rashid? from Wonderland?"

"Long story."

As the three friends looked and smiled at each other Mal watched intently for the entrance to the hut where the prince of Auradon stood. Her slightly racing heart and fear compelled her to look at him wanting to hug him at the same time she wanted to run from there and stay away from him.

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