Nothing makes sense anymore

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There was a terrible doubt, for if it was indeed just a crazy dream they would forget and live their lives, but what if it wasn't?

When Ben woke up the next day in his huge bed his first reaction was to pull back the sheets to check if his arm was still drawing. And yes, it was, the drawing of two dragon wings still remained on his arm and Ben didn't know what to feel. The first answer he had was that these last two dreams were indeed real, but now it remained to be seen if all the others were real as well.

Isle of the Lost

"Mal!" Unlike Ben, Mal did not wake up so quietly, his mother came screaming in his ear. "Are you awake yet? I need that thing that's with the old witch." She said to the little girl who was more asleep than awake. "Now!"

That was her reality and dreams didn't fit there now. Automatically and quickly, she dressed, washed her face, uselessly looked for something to eat and ran to call Jay.

"What is wrong?"

The boy asked in the same humor as her

"My mom wants me to get a talisman or something over at Yen Sid's house."

"Okay." Jay as a good Mal's companion didn't take long to get ready and accompany her. "What's that face? Nightmare?"

"I don't know, I don't remember."


United States of Auradon

Good days passed and Ben stared at the drawing on his arm until it wore off. He slept early every day, and all the times he slept he had no dreams. All he had was a heavy and perfectly normal sleep.

During those days he had to face Audrey and tell her that the request for time was sincere. He would not tell her the reason, all he had said was that he needed space and that until his coronation everything could change, plus he assured her that she would be his lady and who would be there on the day the new king was crowned.

Mal found the highlighter and stared at it for almost a whole day. It was a blue highlighter that read "Realities change, depending on how you look at them." She might not have known, but this was Belle's handwriting and she had written this years ago.

Mal knew and remembered the boy from Auradon well, what her brain couldn't remember was the dream before her farewell.


Cedric spent some hazy days. He was becoming paranoid and even sick with worry.



He was sleeping on the workbench

"Relax, it's me man, Rashid, your friend."

"I know who you are, sorry."

"If Fairy Godmother catches you sleeping, you'll get a suspension."

"It's just tiredness."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing much, work stuff."

He wanted to get it off his chest, but it's out of the question to talk about the book and its mysteries.

"Problems with the book?

"Let's say yes.

"You, my friend, have the worst job in the world. Watching the tragedy of others without being able to interfere.

"It's much worse than you think."

"Hello, good morning, Cedric, good morning, Professor Rashid."

Ben said to both of them as soon as he entered the room carrying his books.

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