Chapter One: Suguru Geto

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Hiiiiiii!!! How are you? Just wanted to make another story for another man I can't have. This story will contain explicit content in the future. I will put out a warning. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!😊

~~~~~~~~~~~~Geto's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

My alarm alarm goes off, signaling it's time to wake up. I look over at my beautiful wife and smile. I kiss her forehead. She slowly wakes up. "Good morning beautiful." I greet as I kiss her. "Good morning to you too." She smiles. I get out of bed and pick out a suit. I place it on the bed. "Any plans today baby girl?" I ask her as I grab a new box of shoes. "Just some shopping." I smile as I head into the bathroom to shower. When I'm down showering, I get out. "You look so sexy babe." I smile as she eye me. I dry off and get dressed. "I'll be home late tonight." I announce as I bend over and kiss her. "I'll keep your side of the bed warm. I love you." "I love you too." I tell her before I leave. "Have a good day sir." My butler said. "Thanks." I leave out and get into my car. I drive over to my favorite coffee shop. I pull up and park. I get out and walk in. The place was crowded per usual. I get in line. The line moves quickly. "I'll have a-" "Your hot latte with two espresso shots, and two sugars is ready to go." I was cut off by the barista as she hands it to me with a smile. I smile back "Thank you." I pay for my latte and step out of line. I take a sip of it. Tastes delicious as always. I walk out and get into my car. I look around for my phone. I left it. I get out the car just as a barista rush up to me. "Sir you left your phone!" She hands it over. "Thank you." I smile. She nods and takes off. I didn't catch her name. I get back into my car and drive off to work. My company's anniversary is coming up and I'm pretty excited about it. I pull up and park. I hand my keys over to the valet. I walk into the building. "Good morning Mr. Geto." I was greeted by my staff. "Good morning." I greet back with a smile. I get on the elevator and ride to the top floor. I get off and walk to my office. "Good morning Mr. Geto, I have your breakfast right here." I wash my hands and take a seat. "Thanks Diavian." She places stacks of papers on my desk. "Here's the paperwork you wanted completed. All of the files are in alphabetical order and each notes are color coded. Don't forget you have a nine o'clock, a ten fifteen, a eleven thirty, a one, and a two forty-five meeting today." She reminds me as she leaves out. "Thank you!" I eat my breakfast as I look through the papers.


I was exhausted by the time my final meeting arrived. I grab my things as I head out. It was really late. I get into my car and drive home. I park and get out. I unlock the front door and walk in. I lock it behind me and walk upstairs. I start to undress in the dark. "Suguru?" I hear. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to bed sweetheart." "It's three am why are you home so late?" She asks as she yawns. "I told you earlier I was going to be home late." I remind her. "No you didn't." "Then I forgot. I'm sorry." I apologize as I walk into the bathroom. I turn the light on and close the bathroom door. I start the shower and get in. It's best to not argue with her. Fighting gets us nowhere. I let the hot water run in my back for a while, my thoughts running wild. I finally get out of the shower after rinsing the body wash off and wrap a towel around me. I mop the floor and walk to my dresser. I grab my pajamas and put them on after drying myself off. I climb into bed. Moné was still awake. I pull her close to me. "Did you have a good day?" I ask as I plant a kiss on her forehead. "It was great! I saw this wonderful living room set and it's getting delivered next week." She beams. "We just got a new set two months ago." "I know but aren't you tired of it? It's so out of style just like my wardrobe so I changed that too. And I also changed yours." I nod in the dark. "Are you not happy with my decisions?" She asks. "No I am." I yawn. "I'm just really exhausted from work." "Good because I can't wait to see how our new living room will look." Moné yawns. "Good night." I tell her.
Sorry this is super short! I didn't want to give too much away during the first chapter🤧

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