Chapter Twenty: Mr. and Mrs. Geto

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Sorry for the crazy time skips but you'll understand later. This is Suguru's POV. Happy reading!😊

~~~~~~~~~~~~Geto's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

Months passed by in a blur. I was officially divorced, in which we celebrated. It was hard to keep everything under wraps, and not letting the media find out. Y/N and I are in a relationship and it's been going amazing. About a month after Moné was sentenced, I was able to see Skyler again. Y/N visited sometimes too. She's doing a lot better with the help of therapy. On the brighter side, it's Valentine's Day and I have tonight specially planned.

"Call your parents." Y/N randomly says.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Call your parents. It's time to talk to them. Tell them everything that's been going on in your life and they deserve to know they have a grandchild on the way."

"They're not gonna listen to me."

"Then make them listen."

I trace little circles on her large belly.

"You're right."

I kiss her stomach and kiss her. I keep kissing her.

"You're stalling."

"Fine. You two wait here."

"I'm whale, where I'mma go?"

"You are not. You're beautiful."

I get out of bed and grab my phone. I head downstairs. I don't want the conversation to stress her out. I take a deep breath, and call my mother.

"Suguru?" She answers.

"Hello mother." I greet.

"It's been a while. About a year to be exact."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

"Don't let it happen again next time."

"I won't."

I take a deep breath.

"Can you and dad come over? I need to talk to you both face to face. It's important."

"Is everything okay?"

"No." I tell her.

"What's wrong?"

"It's something I need to tell you both, face to face."

"We'll be right over. Will Moné be around?"



"I'll explain everything when you two come over."

My mother was quiet.


I give her my new address and hang up. I walk upstairs to see Y/N sleeping. I smile and tuck her in. About an hour later, I hear the doorbell ring. I kiss Y/N's forehead and slip out of bed. I walk downstairs. I open the door, revealing my parents.

"Son, your mother said Moné isn't here. Where is she? Is she okay?"

My father bombard me. I hug my mother.

"Hello to you too." I greet him.

I escort them into the dining room. They sit down.

"Moné's in jail."

I say after a few moments of silence.

"What?" They ask in unison.

"You put your wife behind bars? Whatever happened, she was set up. You go down to the police station and you bail her out right now!" My mother demands.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now