Chapter Four: Testify

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Hiiiiii! How much do y'all hate Moné? Happy reading!😊

an image or recording that has been convincingly altered and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said

Today is trial day. I truly didn't want to see them again but here we are.

"Can you tell us what happened Mrs. Geto?"

"Yes. I had a few drinks too many so I was intoxicated. As my husband was helping me keep my balance, I accidentally elbowed him in the nose. That's when that woman came up and assaulted me." Moné explained in a lie.

"That's a lie!" I should. The judge banged his gavel.

"Silence Ms. Y/L/N. Continue."

"How did she assault you?"

"She grabbed my hair and smacked my face against the wall." She answers truthfully.

The audience gasps and murmurs.

"Order in the court." The room grow silent.

"Go ahead."

"Can you tell us what happened after that?"

"Yes. I told her I was going to call the police.

She told her friend and lied saying I abused my husband.

I do not abuse my husband.

I love him to death.

I think she's just trying to take him away from me because they slept together.

I forgave my husband for it.

I know how sorry he is and regret sleeping with them both.

They're just gold diggers because he inherited a company that makes him billions from his father.

I can't blame them.

If I was a barista I would too.

And the other one, I'm sure she was just trying to sleep her way to the top." Moné lies again.

"This bitch is lying under oath your honor!" Diavian objected.

"Silence!" Judge Bedón said.

"No further questions." I watch as Moné gets up and smirk as she makes her way back to her husband.

"I would like to call Y/N to the stand." I get up and walk over.

I place my hand on the Bible.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and you will keep secret all of the proceedings of the grand jury conducted in your presence? So help you God."

"I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." I take a seat.

"Ms. Y/L/N, can you tell us exactly what happened that night?"

"Sure. After my friend's ex boss made a speech, I was introduced to him.

I realized he's a regular at my coffee shop and I returned his phone that he left.

Shortly afterwards, that woman arrived and he introduced her to us as his wife.

She wasn't really friendly.

That's when she abruptly dragged her husband away.

I didn't think too much of it because she's his wife and it's none of my business.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now