Chapter Six: The Announcement

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Estefan came back from his business trip. We decided to go out for dinner as it was also our nine year anniversary. He told me he had a special announcement so I've decided to dress my best. We had dinner and was waiting for dessert.

"Happy anniversary baby." I cheer as I pull out a box from my bag. I hand it over to him. I watch as he opens it.

"Holy shit!" He says as he takes out the customs made engraved watch. I lean over and kiss him.

"I-I don't know what to say."

"Do you love it?"

"Of course." I smile wide. Estefan gets down on one knee. He grabs my hand.

"I love you so much Y/N. We've been together for nine years.

Through thick and thin, we've stuck by each other.

We've always held it down.

You are an incredibly smart and beautiful woman.

I respect you a lot so when I say this, I mean it sincerely.

I've been cheating on you for the last seven years.

The business trip I just came back from wasn't a business trip. It was my wedding.

She's also carrying my baby.

Now please don't blame yourself.

You'll make another man happy and you two can adopt children and have a beautiful family.

If not, surrogates and artificial eggs are other options too.

I wish you the best of luck. I'm sorry it had to be this way." I snatch my hand.

"Now Y/N, let's not get hasty." I get up.

"Say something." I grab the watch. Estefan grabs it too. I let go quickly. He can have it.

I started to feel numb, dizzy, and lightheaded.

I grab my purse and storm out. I walk down the street.

I didn't bring my car because he drove.

My life keeps falling apart right before my eyes.

I don't know how much I can take before I absolutely lose my mind. I wipe my tears.

I stop at a nearby park and sit on a bench. I sniff as I sob. Nobody was around.

Why does this keep happening to me? What have I done to deserve this? How did I not know he was cheating on me for seven years?

He always made me feel happy. I made sure he was happy. He was even okay with my infertility.

So what...changed? I really can't compete with her. She's going to give him something I can't. I feel as my confidence deflate.

It was as if he popped my confidence bubble and replaced it with an insecurity balloon. I pull out my phone and call Diavian.

"Hey! How's the night going? Did he propose?" She beams.

"Please come get me!" I wail before hanging up. I wipe more tears and look at my empty ring finger. I don't think I'll ever get married. I can feel my heart crying. I start coughing as I've been crying so hard.

I force myself by slowing down my crying to a stop.

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you" I hear.

"Y/N why are you out here alone? Where's Estefan?" I remain quiet.

"Come on. Let's get you in the car." I feel as Diavian helps me up. She escorts me to her car.

"What happened?" She asks as she gets behind the wheel. I couldn't even form words. My throat was dry and felt horse. I take out my phone and send her a text. Di reads her texts and gasps.

"He broke up with you?" I nod. I send another text.

"He's married?!" I nod again. I send a third text.

"Oh my god. He got married to some random bitch he got pregnant?!" I nod again.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Before I knew it, Diavian was flying down the road. She was speeding as of her life depended on it. I sent her multiple text messages. Due to her erratic driving, she made all the green lights and never pulled over to read them.

She pulled up to my house and park. She jumps out. I follow behind her. I try to pull her back to the car. She grabs the spare key under the rock and unlocks the front door.

"Yo Estefan!" She yells. I hear footsteps coming downstairs. Immediately Diavian punches him.

"Congratulations on your fucking wedding." He holds his nose. I pull her back.

"I hope you rot in hell. You've just made the biggest mistake of your life. How dare you dog my best friend?! I always knew something was off about you.

Ooooh you make me want to chop your dick off and feed you your own dick smoothie! You have until dawn to get all your shit out of her house. Better yet, no."

Diavian storms upstairs. We follow her. She puts on gloves and grabs his stuff.

"What are you doing?! Get your hands off my shit!" Estefan shouts. I still couldn't speak.

Di runs downstairs with his pile. She runs back up and comes back with hairspray and a lighter.

"Put the clothes down." She demands.

"Over my dead body."

"As you wish." Diavian starts spraying and flicks on the lighter, igniting the spray. She laughs. He immediately drops his clothes and runs out of the house. She grabs my hand and rushes me out.

"You're fuckin psycho! You've always have been. You need to be in a mental institution you psycho bitch!"

"You better watch that bitch word." Diavian says as she sprays his car.

"Don't you dare!" He yells and he grabs her. Diavian throws the lighter at his car. It goes up in flames. Diavian cackles.

He tosses her to the ground. I pick up a brick and knock him in the back of his head with it. He falls out. I was about to hit him again until Diavian grabs it out of my hands.

"Stop we gotta go!" I hear sirens. We get into her car and she speeds off. Diavian laughs manically. She parks on a bridge. I watch as she gets out. She throws something over the bridge and gets back in.

"That was his phone and wallet. Oh that custom watch you bought him too." I nod slowly. Diavian drives off again. She pulls up to her house and we get out. She unlocks the front door and we walk in. I sit down on her sofa.

"I know you don't feel like talking right now but know that I am here for you. And you can stay here as long as you want." She says as she hands me a spoon and a new pint of ice cream.

I nod slowly as I open the ice cream and eat. She turns on the tv, flipping channels. She stops at a movie for us to watch.

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