Chapter Twenty-One: The Announcement Pt.2

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Hiiiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. Sorry but this is about to be another time skip. Don't jump me y'all lol. Happy reading!😊

After being released from the hospital, I was back on bed rest. I spent my days at home with our son. Suguru took time off ass well. He said he didn't want to miss a single moment.

"Hey there baby boy."

I bend down and pick him up.

"Oh you've gotten so big haven't you?"

I kiss his cheek repeatedly.


I gasp loudly.

"You said mama."

I hold on to him tightly and fly downstairs.

"Suguru!" I shout.

"What what's wrong?"

"Valentine said his first word! He said mama!" I cheer.

"Awe I wanted him to say papa first." Suguru pouts.

I laugh as I wipe a tear.

"I'm happy for you baby." Suguru kiss me. Valentine reach for his father.


Suguru gasps.

"He said it!"

I hand Valentine over.

"That's right, I'm papa."

I watch as he kiss Valentine's forehead. I walk into our kitchen.

"Mama, mama!"

"I'll be back sweetie."

I pour myself something to drink. I head back. Suguru was already blowing raspberries on Valentine's stomach. I smile at the view. Who knew that I would be this happy? This content with life? That I'd have my own little family? I walk closer, taking a seat.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Suguru asks.

"Should I be terrified?"

He chuckles.


"Did you spend a lot of money?"

"No comment."

"Suguru!" I push him.

"Y/N, get used to it. You two are my top priorities and I'll give the world to you both."

"Yeah that's why he's blinged out now."

"And yet his first words were mama."

"Oooh someone's jealous." I tease, grabbing Valentine.

He's looking more and more like his father. But with my complexion.

"It's okay. I'm just happy I get to call you both mine. I can't wait until we grow old together and chase after our grandchildren."

"Slow down Suguru. Valentine has to grow up first."

"Before he gets older, I want to put more babies in you."

I feel as Suguru kiss my neck.

"Can we plan it next time?" I ask.

"Whatever you want baby."

I pull away.

"I'm all yours tonight." I tell him.

"Tonight can't come sooner."

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now