Chapter Twenty-Five: Who Are You

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Welp. That's what happened in that chapter lmao. Happy reading!😊

I was back at work, making coffees with my employees. Declan was still in charge. It was rush hour. The call out the last one.

"Good morning beautiful." I hear his voice.

"Your hot latte with two espresso shots, and two sugars is ready to go."

I hand over the drink. He place his hands on top of mine.

"Can we talk?"

"We just did."

"You know what I mean."

"What is there to talk about Suguru? You know I don't like to mix my personal life with my work life."

I start cleaning.

"I miss you." I scuff, cleaning.

"You got your drink right? You're dismissed."

"Dammit Y/N!"

Suguru throws his latte.

"This is why I left you." I snap as I start to wipe the counter. Luckily nobody got hit with the coffee. Suguru Grabs my wrist tightly, yanking me closer to him over the counter. His eyes were cold. Dark.

"Listen to me. You know me Y/N. You know I can be the motherfucking devil." He barks.

I grab a knife and slice his arm, causing him to release me.

"Whoa there boss!"

I feel as Declan grabs my waist, holding me back as I kept forward.

"Get out!"

"Y/N please." Suguru begs. His eyes pleaded with mine.

"Get the fuck out!" I yell again.

I break free from Declan, chasing after Suguru with the knife, ready to stab him.

"Y/N no. Noooooo!"

Declan tackles me.

"Julian! Get him out of here, now!" Declan orders as he was on top of me.

We struggle for the knife.

"Let go boss."

I look up as Julian forcefully shove Suguru out. He comes back.

"Y/N you have to let go." Julian says.

He grabs the blade and yank really hard. The blade slice his hand, as the knife is taken away from me. Declan picks me up, tossing me over his shoulder and takes me into the manager's office.

"What's going on boss?" He asks as he sits me in a chair.

I get up.

"Sit. Your ass down." He demands.

He lets out a sigh.

"I don't know what's going on between you and Geto but I suggest you get a restraining order against him. And you should move too. You're our family and we love you. We cannot lose you." He says before leaving.

Diavian comes in.

"Y/N what the hell happened?! I come back from lunch and there's blood everywhere. And Julian is going to the hospital." She asks.

"He was here." I spat.

Diavian let's out a sigh.

"Babe...he loves you. He's hurt and he wants you back."

I haven't told Diavian the full reason why I dumped him. I turn to the cameras and rewind. Diavian watch in horror as Suguru grips me.

"What the fuck?! Y/N why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I thought he would change by now and get help."

Diavian sits down. She was quiet.

"When did this happen?"

"A few days after he killed Moné. His behavior became erratic out of nowhere. He would look at me with pure disgust. Hatred. Every time I begged him to talk to me and see the therapist I hired for myself, he became verbally abusive. I started to believe it was grief, because we all grieve differently y'know?

There were times when he was himself, then he blamed himself for Valentine's death. He would want me to hold him but then he couldn't stand the sight of me. It was like a switch in his head that turned on and off. One day he pushed me. I counted that as strike one and the final strike. I broke up with him.

He slapped me because I broke up with him and said I could never leave him. That's when I knew for sure that he was gone. I hit back, don't worry I did. But I cannot be with someone who refuses to get help. That's not the man that I fell in love with. That's not the man that I helped. That's not the man who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I don't know who that man is, but that's not Valentine's father."

I burst into tears. I feel as Diavian pulls me into her arms.

"I'm so sorry honey. I'm glad you got out of that as fast as you would. You don't deserve anything of this. If he doesn't want to get help, then you have no business with him. You did the right thing. Your life and safety is more important."

I sob into her arms as she rub my back. I slowed down my crying after a few minutes. Diavian wipes my tears.

"We're gonna get through this. But for legal reasons, it's best you get a restraining order against him."

I nod.

"So the abused becomes the abuser." I spoke lowly, looking at my hands.

"God I wish I saw this coming."

"Hey, hey. Don't start blaming yourself. You were a Good Samaritan who did the right thing. And you saw the red flags in his behavior and got out. Be proud of yourself for that. It takes a lot of strength to walk away from the person you love."

"Yeah well look where that got me. The only good that came out of that relationship was my son and he's gone!"

I begin to cry again. Diavian holds me. This past year or so has brought me nothing but pain, suffering and misery.
Welp. This is not how I wanted that to go but my brain said "fuck it up" lmao🤧

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now