Chapter Thirty-Nine: Loose Ends

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Hiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This isn't a time skip. Happy reading!😊

Time passed by while Satoru was in the ICU. I was pacing like crazy until a doctor found me. I was holding Satoru's hand, hoping he'll wake up.


I look up to see Judge Bedón coming in. I get up.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologize.

He hugs me tightly as I begin to cry.

"What are you sorry for?"

"He's been shot because of me. I should've stayed in Kumamoto. This wouldn't have happened."

"This isn't your fault. It's your ex."

"Now now. Are those tears for me?"

I look to see Satoru looking at us.

"You're alive!"

I rush over as he sits up and hug him. I give him a long kiss. He kiss me back.

"Uh son. That isn't Aoi." Judge Bedón says.

"Satoru oh my god you're okay! Baby you're okay!" I hear.

Aoi rushes in and hugs him tightly.

"Why is she here?" I ask.

"I called her after you called me. I figured his fiancée should know."

I nod.

"Oh right. Satoru didn't get a chance to tell you, he broke up with her." I say lowly to him.

"Well this is awkward." He whispers back.

"Satoru who did this to you?"

"It was my cousin but I'm fine."

"Suguru did this? Why?"

"Because I was protecting Y/N, which I failed at."

Aoi looks up at me.

"Oh I see. So this is your fault."

"I'm not the one who shot him!"

"No. But because of you he was shot multiple times. So you might as well had pulled the trigger. He just got back to Japan for fucks sake!"

"You think I don't know this?! I didn't want that to happen. I told him I just wanted to go home and watch anime but he wasn't listening to me."

Aoi looks at Satoru.

"'s not worth it. She has a baggage. The more you're with her, the more danger you'll be in. Is that what you want? Is her life worth more than yours baby?"

She was stroking his hair.

"Now hold on-"

"Her life is worth more than mine. And I will do it all over again." Satoru cuts me off.

I rush over to him.

"Don't do that."

Satoru looks at me after removing Aoi's hand.

"I know I told you I'm going to retire so we can get married but, I have one more thing to do. I'm gonna kill him."

"Don't you dare." I warn.

"Sweetheart if I don't nip this in the bud now, it's only going to get worse. Just look at Moné. She wasn't handled and she took your son's life. I'm not about to put you and our future kids' lives on the line."

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now