Chapter Thirty-Five: Gone

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Hiiiiii! Guess who is making another chapter? Happy reading!😊

"So he's gone huh?"

I nod, drinking my tea.

"Why didn't you go see him off?"

"Nah. That last day is reserved for Aoi to see him off."

"That man kissed you, confessed his love for you and you just leave it like that?!"

"Diavian he did not confess his love for me. He told me he loves me. I mean I love him too and I did argue with him earlier. Then I became emotional-"

"And then he kissed you like he'll never see you again." Di cuts me off.

"He might not." I look away.

"An entire year of no contact. It's going to be hard on you. Especially considering he's always at your therapy sessions. Now it'll be just me."

"Don't you leave me too Diavian."

"I'm not going anywhere babe."

"Good. Because there's something else I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Suguru's been harassing Satoru about my whereabouts. He's really set on trying to get me back. So Judge Bedón will be checking in on me in Satoru's placement."

Diavian was silent.

"Looks like I'm going to jail."

"Nooo don't. Please don't. I need you here with me."

"Didn't he tell you he was in therapy?" Di reminds me.

"It'll take more than a few therapy sessions to get better. That's why I'm still going. I don't really care though it's not my business. I want no parts with him."

"I need you to really watch your back."

"I am. I hope he never finds me."

"Enough about him. I'm still worried about Gojo. In all seriousness, I want to know what case he is on to go undercover, and why his chances of coming back is damn near nonexistent. Do you at least know where he went?"

"Out of this country. I just..." I let out a sigh.

"I'm scared. Sure I always worry and I try not to but, I can always hear his voice when he calls. This time it'll be like he never existed in my life. What if Satoru is out of my life forever? I don't want to go to his funeral. I want to go to his wedding. Watch him marry the love of his life. I don't want to see Aoi grieving."

"Speaking of, are you going to make up with Aoi?"

"I'm not mad at her. I just needed her to work it out with Satoru."

"Yeah and slobbering down her man really seals the deal."

"Don't over exaggerate it. It was a simple kiss."

"Oh so a peck?"


"So a hot steamy passionate kiss."

"More or less. It was more like a goodbye kiss."

"That is depressing yet oddly romantic at the same time."

"It's really not."

There's a knock on my door.

I get up to answer.

"Oh good you're here!"

I hug Aoi.

"How are you?" I ask her.

"Bittersweet. I'm really gonna miss him." She hands me a bag.

"What's this?" I ask.

"A gift from Satoru."

I dig in the bag. I take out a box an open it.

"Oh damn. Look at that bling girl." Di whistles.

To my best friend, wear this as my symbol of love for you. Even if I don't get to see you wear it, I can imagine it.


I read to myself. The necklace was already around my neck. I touch it.

"That idiot." I mumble.

I sniff, trying not to cry.

"Let's just enjoy our time together okay?" Aoi cheers.

"You're right. This is a girl's night." I agree.

We needed to get our minds off of Satoru and his departure. I'm just glad that he told Aoi about our accidental kiss. She was hurt at first but got over it.
Sorry this is super short!🤧

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