Chapter Nineteen: Geto vs Geto

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Hiiiiii! I want to dedicate this chapter to @KatrinaKiru Happy reading!😊

The divorce trial finally happened. The trial date was so long to come. I also had to testify against Moné. Surprisingly, she showed up.

"Can you tell us exactly what happened during Skyler's birthday party?"

"Yes. Suguru and I arrived. I didn't want to go because she didn't know me, even though I was invited by her father. We brought gifts.

I've met her. She's a cute little girl. Skyler taken a liking to me. After I became comfortable, I sat with her while a princess reads and crowned Skyler.

We ate dinner then sang happy birthday. Shortly afterwards, Moné arrived. I didn't mind it because she is Skyler's godmother. When she hugged Skyler, she approached herself to Suguru.

She kissed him. Then she whispered in his ear. The look of true terror on his face, I will never forget. I jumped in between them and asked him what's wrong. Suguru told me to stay out of it. I took the hint.

I may not know Moné well, but I know what she's capable of. When I turn around, she already had a knife against Skyler's throat. I couldn't think. I didn't want to make any rash decisions that can put Skyler in even more danger.

That's when Suguru spoke to her. He told her he still love her so she can let her guard down. It worked. He took the knife from her, and she place Skyler down. I don't remember what happened after that-"

"You tried to kill me you psychotic bitch!" Moné cuts me off.

"Silence Mrs. Geto." Judge Bedón bangs his gavel.

"Continue Ms. L/N."

I nod and continue.

"When I finally came to, Sebastian was preventing me from stabbing Moné in the throat with the same knife. My knuckles were red and bloody. I was seeing red from the time I saw the knife against Skyler's throat, until Sebastian held me back." I explain.

"You forgot to mention how you threw me into ongoing traffic and I almost died!" Moné yells.

"Silence Mrs. Geto. This is your final warning. One more outburst and I will put you in holding." Judge Bedón warns.

"Yes I did. After showing the restraining orders against her to Sebastian's father, she was ordered to leave. Instead of leaving, she decided to try and attack Mrs. Reiss who was holding her daughter. That is why I dragged her out. This woman is deranged and a threat to everyone." I admit.

"No further questions your honor."

"Thank you."

I get up. A guard escorts me. As he guided me, my shirt rip, from when he had his hand on my back.

"I'm so sorry." He apologize.

I take my seat.

"It's okay. This little one's growing fast anyway. I'll just have to buy bigger clothes." I tell him.

Suguru pulls me close to him and holds my stomach. I can feel Moné's eyes on me. I look over to her in a quick glance. She gave me the deadliest glare. Suguru gives me his suit jacket and place it over me.

"We can go shopping after this, okay baby?"

I nod as he kiss my cheek. The rest of the trial went by in a blur. Suguru testified against Moné with evidence that he provided to Sebastian about her threats to me.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now