Chapter Seven: The Conversation

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Hiiiiiii!! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

I don't even know how much time has passed. Diavian was sentenced to jail for arson due to Estefan snitching and footage, but I got her to walk away thanks to Suean. I kept myself busy with work and bought a condo.

"How are you feeling?" Diavian asks.

"It's a really busy day so let's keep them moving!" I avoid her question. The line gets longer since we've debuted a new beverage and breakfast. Rush hour extended for an extra hour.

Afterwords, I let them take a break. I start cleaning. I hum as I clean.

"C-Can you help me?" I look up to see Geto. Blood was coming out of his nose.

"Oh my god!" I rush around the counter and grab him.

"Declan! Take over!" I yell as I escort him to one of the bathrooms.

"Who did this to you?" I ask as I grab tissue. I remove his hand and wipe his nose.


"I'm sorry." I get more tissue and wipe his mouth. His eye was blackened and his lip was busted.

"Who. Did this to you?" I ask.

"My wife." Then it hit me.

"You can't be here. This is violating the restraining orders and I am not going to jail for you. Again."

"Please. I-I need your help."

"Call the police. File a police report and file a restraining order against her." I say as I back up to leave. He quickly grabs my wrist.

"I...need you."

"And your wife?"

"She won't know that we're in contact. I'll keep your identity safe."

"No. It's risky. You already testified against me. Your lawyers made a deepfake. You fired my best friend."

"I'm sorry. It wasn't my decision. She made me do it. She threatened to kill me. She threatened to destroy my father's business too."

"No offense but I'm not getting involved with you. Because of that white woman's tears, I've been arrested, sued and have a restraining order against me.

If I get myself more involved with you, I'm gonna get shot down. Sorry but find someone else to meddle in your life."

"'re the only person I can trust." I exhale deeply.

"I'm going to regret can stay in my office until the shop closes and then we can talk." I finally give in. Suguru hugs me.

"Thank you. Anything you want, I'll buy."

"I don't want your money." We leave out and I usher him to my office.

"You may need to go to a hospital." I tell him.

"I can't. She'll find out."

"Then call your personal doctor. I'm sure you have one."

"She'll know."

"I'll call my doctor." I make the call.

"She'll be on her way. Stay here." I leave out. I grab Diavian and sit her down.

"He's here."

"Who's here?"

"He's here."

"What? Why? We're going to get arrested."

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now