Chapter Thirteen: The Second Confession

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well! Happy reading!😊

I was strictly put on bed rest. I honestly hated it. I felt helpless.

"Good morning. Here's your breakfast." Suguru says.

He's been taking care of me. He place a tray in front of me and kiss my forehead. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, orange juice and tea.

"How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Do you feel light headed?"

Suguru asks in a nurturing tone as he fluffs my pillow.

"I'm fine, thank you." I start to eat.

"Can you tell me why you've never mentioned how stressed you are?" Suguru asks.

"Because it wasn't that bad." Suguru sighs.

"Y/N. Your life has been in chaos for the past months and it's mainly because of me. On top of that, you've just gotten out of a relationship and my wife destroyed your business."

I kept eating.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head no.

"I'm worried about you. The woman I love went into cardiac arrest because of me. That's the last thing I wanted. I don't want you to go into another cardiac arrest. I want to take care of you. Ease your stress."

I snap my head up looking at him.

"What'd you say?"

"I said the woman I love went into cardiac arrest."

I shake my head no.

"The judge read the lie detector test results, please don't lie and say you love me when it proves you don't."

"I got those forged. And that judge is a family friend so he's always going to be on my side. I truly do love you."

I finish the orange juice.

"Why? It's not like I can give you children. Or love you back. And I'm damn sure not wife material."

"Wife material? What qualities do you think you need to be my wife?"

"Considering you have a legacy passed down to you from your father, you'll need an heir. You also have a certain image that I don't even have."

Suguru takes my hand.

"Having children has never been my top priority. Nor do I have a certain image. If anything, I don't deserve you considering what I've put you through. I'm not qualified to be your husband."

Suguru stands.

"We don't have to talk about this right now."

He takes the tray and walks out. Suguru's in love with me? Why? When? How? I get out of bed. I leave my room and head into the kitchen. He was doing the dishes.

"What are you doing out of bed?"

Just like that, he scoops me up bridal style and escorts me.

"I don't want to be trapped in bed all day."

I whine. He place me on the sofa. He sits next to me.

"Do you need anything?"

I shake my head no.

"I just..."

I let out a sigh.

"Why did you fall in love with me?"

"How could I not? It's everything about you. Being with you, living here with you makes me so happy and safe. It's what my marriage should be. You're supportive of my decisions. You're such a gentle soul that I want to protect.

I love everything about you. Your smile. The way you defend yourself. The power you have. Your beauty within. I wish we've met before I married her. You're everything I need and more.

I love taking care of you. I love being myself around you. I love your smile. Your energy. Your eyes. I love the way your lips feel against mine."

He brings my legs over his and massages my feet. It felt good. I close my eyes as he continues. He massage a certain point of my foot. A purr escapes my lips as my endorphins kick in. My back arch.

"Suguru." I moan out breathlessly.

I jump up quickly and clear my throat. I was aroused. I've never had that done before just by a foot massage. Take a deep breath.

"I know you want an answer. I don't love you. You're still married. Even though you're going through a divorce granted, still married. More importantly, I was arrested because of you. I was on probation because of you. You fired my best friend for no reason. You testified against me twice.

I-This trial put me into cardiac arrest. Your wife destroyed my family's business. Grandma Shay put her blood, sweat and tears into that. I don't know what you see in me but I still can't fully let my guard down around you.

It hasn't been a year since my breakup. That was a nine year relationship. Thank you for rebuilding my store, the meals, the baths, the massages but...we both need time to heal. Not to disregard your feelings but I can't think about it. At least not right now. I'm sorry Suguru."

I confess.

"Y/N you didn't have to respond. I already knew the answer. I just wanted to let you know how I feel. Please don't apologize for not loving me. And I won't stop caring for you."

Suguru gets up and walks to me. He kiss my forehead.

"I truly am sorry for what my soon to be ex wife and I did to you. I promise you will never get arrested again."

"That's easier said than done."

"I'm a man of my word."

He grabs my hand and kiss the back of it. He pulls me into a strong hug. I pull away after a few minutes and grab my keys.

"Where are you going?"

"Shay's. Just to check in."

"Unh-uh. The doctor put you on bed rest for a reason."

"I know but it's been a minute."

"You put Declan in charge for a reason. Trust him."

"I do. But what if it's chaotic and he's scared to tell me?" I ask as I walk to the door.

"Oh no you don't."

I felt as he lifted me up, tossing me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down Suguru Geto!"

He carries me to my room and place me in bed. I get up but he push me back down.

"I will sit on you." He threatens.

"I don't like being stuck at home." I pout.

"I know that baby and I'm so sorry I'm the cause of it. But please listen to the doctor's orders."

He climbed into my bed for the first time and pulls me close.

"You have to take it easy."

He wraps his arms around me.

"Have you been back to your company?"



"Don't worry about that. I have it handled."

He murmurs as he plant a kiss on my forehead. He grabs my remote and turns the tv on.
I'm sorry y'all but it's too soon to love him. Also this was already written but I've had a busy few weeks and then the smoke from the Canada fire while going to work almost took me out lmao🤧

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now