Chapter Ten: The Night

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Hiiiiiiii! Hope all is well. This is Suguru's POV. Happy reading!😊

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Geto's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/N's been allowing me to stay with her whenever I can. Going home to my wife is a constant battle. When I'm home, I sleep on my own sofa. Not even in my own bed. She looks at me with pure disgust and hatred.

What have I done to her? I don't even know anymore. I don't try anymore. I just accept fate. I'm exhausted. I'm drained. Constantly fighting for nothing. I stop fighting with her. That hasn't stopped her from abusing me. I just stopped caring. Y/N trusts me enough to give me a key to her home.

I make sure to never go the same route in case Moné ever follows me or have someone to follow me. I hear the front door open. I walk to the door.

"Hey." She greets. I place a blindfold over her eyes.

"What's this?" She asks.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

"Considering I'm not in prison yet, I do a little."

I grab her hand and escort to the table. I remove the blindfold. She gasps.

"You did this?"


"What's the occasion?" She asks.

"No special occasion. Tonight I'm appreciating you." I tell her.

"With a candlelit dinner?" I nod.

She goes to wash her hands. I pull out her chair and she sits. I take a seat across from her. We begin to eat.

"I can never get enough of your cooking." She tells me. I smile as I eat.

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me." I tell her. We continue to eat.

"How was work?" I ask her.

"Busy per usual. But I can't lie, without seeing you every morning it's a bit weird. You're one of my regulars. You'd come in, order your favorite and head off to work."

"I hope to come back one day."

"Have you been back to work?" She asks.

I shake my head no.

"I'll go back when I'm ready. I'm not ready." I admit.

"I think that's the best decision for you."

Y/N finishes eating and gets up. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"The dishes...why?"

"No. Go upstairs. Your bath is ready."

"My-bath-is ready?" I nod.

"Now go."

I take the plate out of her hand and give her a nudge. She leaves. I clear the table and clean out. Afterwards I grab the blindfold and dessert. I walk into her room and knock on her bathroom door.

"Did you need something?" She asks me.


"Come in."

I walk in. The bubbles surrounded her entire body.

"A candlelit bath. Was this necessary?"

"Yes." I tell her.

"What's behind your back?"

"Close your eyes."


Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now