Chapter Two: Y/N

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well. This is Y/N's POV. Happy reading!😊

"I cannot believe you talked me into this." I tell my best friend. "Oh come oooooon it's not so bad. And you look good." I twirl. "Thank you thank you." Someone clears their throat while clinking a silverware to glass. "Good evening everyone. I hope everyone is doing extremely well tonight." We turn our attention to the man. "I want to thank you all for coming here and celebrating with me on our company's thirtieth anniversary. My father has worked very hard building this company and I am proud to take over for him after his retirement and watch it continue to grow. But couldn't do it without the guidance of my father and the help with my amazing staff including my amazing assistant Diavian Johnson." He smiles at her. "Cheers to thirty years and here's to the future!" The man raises his glass. Everyone else does the same and cheers. I turn back to Diavian. "You know your boss isn't such a mean ass like you said he is." I tell her. "Well it's his anniversary of course he's in a good mood." We laugh. "Ah there's the best assistant in the world. Are you enjoying yourself tonight?" He asks. "Yes I am sir. I'd like for you to meet my best friend Y/N. Y/N this is my boss." I take a good look at him. He looks at me too. "You work at that coffee shop." "And you're two espressos and two sugars." I reply. He chuckles. "Suguru Geto." He introduces himself. "Y/N. Pleasure to meet you Mr. Geto." I stick my hand out for a handshake. He takes it and plants a long kiss on it. "Suguru is fine. The pleasure is all mine." He smiles. "Thanks for returning my phone." "Am I missing something here?" Diavian asks. "Oh he left his phone so I ran out to give it to him." I wave it off. "There you are!" A tall thin woman walks up to us. She pulls him close to her and kiss him. He wraps his arms around her. "Congratulations baby." He smiles. "That's his wife." Diavian whispers in my ear. "Ah." I whisper back. "Baby, who is this?" She asks. "This is Diavian my lovely assistant and her best friend Y/N. Diavian, Y/N, this is my beautiful wife Moné." She looks at me. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Geto." I stick my hand out. "Mm." She glares at us both. "Excuse us." She says while dragging her husband away. "Well that was awkward." I say. "No, that's normal." "To be the jealous type?" I sarcastically asked. "Pfft her? Jealous?" "Yeah. She is." "Of who?" "You." Diavian looks around. "I'm talking to you Diavian Marie Johnson." "She has the hottest multi-billionaire as her husband. Why would she be jealous of me? She's tall, thin, and beautiful." "And you're not beautiful? Rule number one, never compare yourself to others. Rule number two, just because she has a rich hot guy in her arms doesn't mean she can't be jealous of someone else." "Y/N this is ludicrous. She doesn't even know me." "Rule number three, you don't need to know someone to be jealous of them." "Here you are with your rules again." "Di you know it's true. Now stop it before I make you shout you're the baddest bitch in here in front of everyone." She looks at me horrified. "You wouldn't." I fold my arms. "Try me." "Y/N!" "Hold that thought, I need to use the restroom." I walk off and make my way down the hall. "Are you sleeping with her?" I hear. I stop in my tracks. I peek around the corner. "What? No!" "Don't lie to me Suguru. I saw the way you looked at her and announced her during your speech." "She's my assistant, of course I'm going to appreciate her." "Yeah you appreciate right between her legs don't you?" So she is jealous. I was right. Wait til Diavian hear this. "Baby I promise you, I'm not cheating on you with her." "Aha! So you are cheating. If it's not with her then it's with her best friend isn't it? I heard how she called you two espresso shots and two sugars. Is that code for meeting up tonight?" "What?! Moné I'm not cheating on you at all!" "Shut up Suguru! Ugh I'm so sick and tired of your lies!" "Baby I'm not cheating on you with anyone. I love you and only you. Please you have to believe me." "Why should I believe you, when I saw it with my own two eyes?!" "Moné-" he was cut off by a punch in his face. "How dare you cheat on me? After everything I've done for you? Making your life more lavish. Making your home more lively and beautiful with custom made artwork and shit. I made you become the man you are today. You would be nothing without me. I love you Suguru, but you keep hurting me." She pulls him into a hug. "Nobody will love you like I will. I'm the only woman who will ever love you. I forgive you, for cheating on me." What the fuck? I storm up to them. I've heard enough. I pull her off him. I see the blood on his white tuxedo. "Get your hands off me! Do you know who I am?!" She screams. "I grab her by her hair and bang her head against the wall face first." I let her go. "Oh my god!" Suguru rushes to her and helps her up. "What is wrong with you?!" He screams at me. "Get your hands off me Suguru. I want her arrested!" She storms away. "Look at what you've done!" He grips my arm. "Me?! She hit you!" "So?! She didn't mean it. How about you mind your business?!" I look at him. The coldness was in his eyes. "There's the ass hole that Diavian mentioned." I shook him off me and storm back to the party. "Y/N what's going on? Mrs. Geto is raging." Diavian asks me panicked. "Mr. Geto is everything okay?" She asks. I look behind me. Moné storms up to us. "I've called the cops. They're on their way to arrest this bitch. I want you to fire your assistant and I mean it." Moné demands. "What?! I'm fired? Y/N what did you do?!" "This gold digging bitch punched him after accusing him of cheating on her with me and you. She's delusional and abusive." "That's not true." Suguru lied. I yank him closer to Diavian. "Can you honestly say that I'm lying with your blood on your tuxedo? And the blood coming out of your nose?" Diavian gasps. "Yeah I can. She accidentally elbowed me before you showed up and ruined everything." he lied. "There you have it. I didn't hurt my husband. And you're fired." She shoots a death look at Diavian. Diavian walks off. "Wow. I guess I can't save everyone. I'm going to mind my black business from now on." I say before following after Diavian. She was outside. "Di I am so sorry. I didn't mean to get you fired." I apologize. She shakes her head. "It's okay. I don't think it was meant to be. She never liked me anyway." "Wait you're not mad?" "No. I can tell he was lying." We into my car. "So you believe me?" "Y/N I saw the look of fear in his eyes. And I know you. You wouldn't attack her without cause nor do you ever lie. You try your best to save everyone. What are we going to do to help him?" She asks as I drive off. "Nothing. He doesn't want to be helped. So our black asses are going to mind our black business." "Well you're always welcome to work at the coffee shop." "What happened to not hiring friends and family?" "I got you fired. The least I can do is hire you. Unless you want to spend months looking for a new job." "No. But that was a well paying job." "So? I'll pay you the exact amount. Besides everyone got a raise last week so your pay will be around the same rate. Equal pay." She hugs me tightly. "You're the best." I smile. "I love you too." I pull up to her house and park. "I'll see you tomorrow bright and early." I tell her. "See you tomorrow boss." She gets out. I watch her get inside safely before pulling off.


There's hard banging on the door. I jump awake. Estefan stirs in his sleep. The banging happens again. He jumps awake. "What's going on?" He asks. "I don't know." "I'll go check. You stay here." He kisses me and leaves. About a minute later, I get out of bed and walk downstairs. "Ms. Y/L/N, you are under arrest for the assault on Mrs. Geto." The officer says as he arrests me. "Y/ what are they talking about?" Estefan asks me. "Call Diavian. She'll explain everything to you." The officer pulls me away. "You're not taking her!" He yells as he shoves the cop off. "Estefan stop!" "Baby you can't leave me!" "Please...just call Diavian." I beg. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you." The cop escorts me out and puts me in the back seat of his car. The cop drives off. I sigh as I lean back. He pulls up to the police station and helps me out. He escorted me inside. He puts me in the interrogation room. I sit down. A detective walks in a few minutes later. "Do you know why you're here?" She asks. I shake my head no. "Well you're hear for assaulting Mrs. Geto tonight at the gala." I remain quiet. "Do you want to tell me how it all started?" "I want my lawyer." I demand. "If you work with me here, I can help you." "I want my lawyer." I repeat. She sighs and walks out. She comes back a few minutes later. "Your boyfriend and best friend are here. Your lawyer has been called and will be here in a couple of hours. In the meantime, you will be in a cell. Also the judge will be in Monday morning and that'll be your sentencing. You'll be in the cell for an entire weekend." She tells me. The cop walks in and I get up. He escorts me to a cell and takes off the handcuffs. He slams the cell door closed. I look around, disgusted. Just my luck. Getting arrested because of a white woman's tears.
I hate her so much🤧

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