Chapter Forty-Nine: Satoru's Soulmate

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Hiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well.Sorry for the late updates. I lost the will to write because my life sucks. Happy reading!😊

Gojo's mental state became unpredictable. Just as Dr. Haru feared. He was getting nightmares, hallucinations, and constant mood swings. Dr. Haru put him on medication to help. I was on Satoru's ass making sure he takes them. It works, but it doesn't stop his nightmares.

Sometimes it was hard to wake him from it. And when he did, he'd cry uncontrollably. When he spaced out, he'd get verbally violent. He assumed I poisoned his food to kill him. It took a lot of convincing and for a while we stopped eating meat.

He was so scared of going back to where he was being held hostage. Then Satoru told me that during every torture, he wished that he was dead. Just for it to be over. He was captured and tortured for ten months. It sent chills down my spine.

To be fed raw poisoned meat for ten months. To be tortured. With Dr. Haru's help, Satoru never reached the point of physical violence nor was my life in danger. But some dark days happened. Where he wished he was dead. When he tried to end his own life.

Our parents helped us a lot during those times. Mainly my parents considering my mom helped my father with his PTSD when I was a child. I walk in the front door, exhausted.

"Welcome home, sweetheart. How was your day?"

Satoru comes into view.

"Long. All of the better empty studios or vacant buildings are in Tokyo. We did find one."

Satoru pulls me close and kiss me.

"Why don't I meet with the Project Manager tomorrow and for the next week or so? You can relax."

"No that's okay-"

"Y/N it's okay. I take my medication. I won't have an episode. Dinner is ready. Go wash and meet me in the dining room."

I nod and go to wash my hands. I sit at the table and we begin eating.

"What if we buy a lot?" Satoru asks.


"Because when buying a lot, we can build and birth the animation studio we want. Shape it however we want."

"Satoru that costs even more money-"

"So? It's my bastard grandfather's money anyway. Besides, I have a blueprint of an idea."

Satoru gets up and disappears. He comes back shortly. He place it on an empty spot and unroll it. I get up and stand next to him.

"See? We can have a multi-level studio so the animators and voice actors can have privacy to do their job."

"Satoru that'll cost a fortune."

"Do you know how much you sold his business and estate for?"

I shake my head no.

"I mean you sold it after I handed it over to you."

I grab my glass.

"2,920,923,303,856 yen."

I choke on the wine I was drinking.

"Baby we won't go broke. Will it cost a few million? Yes but it's an investment."

"Then we need to expand our budget a little more." I tell him.

"We can discuss that tomorrow. Once we give them a budget then we can put the rest as our future kid's' inheritance."

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now